I have a question regarding the soft diet I was placed on earlier this week.

I had surgery February 19, 2002, and had the G-tube removed March 18th. My surgeon told me I could change to a soft diet for the next couple of months, and I'm having a difficult time with this. I have not been able to eat more than four or five bites of foods without having an excrutiating pain in my stomach. The only thing that relieves the pain is to vomit. I'm scared I'm not getting the nutrients I need, much less the protein. I'm becoming very discouraged with this, and would love to hear from anyone who has experienced something similar. I had Roux n Y lap and have lost 31 pounds so far. I'm debating whether this is normal since I haven't eaten anything solid in a month or if things will always be like this. HELP!!!    — carollcsw (posted on March 21, 2002)

March 21, 2002
Call your surgeon first thing in the morning. This may or may not be something serious, but he's the one you need to talk to. Remember, he did the surgery and you are NOT bothering him with post-op questions. It's part of his job.
   — garw

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