Do you think being short hinders your weight loss?

I am just now looking into surgery. I am told that I do qualify. Waiting to see dr. Not only am I obese, I am short! Double whammy. Does being short make losing weight harder, ya think?    — rmsh78 (posted on March 20, 2002)

March 20, 2002
I don't think being short is a hinder, but I do think dieting a lot/yo-yo in the past/age all combined has hindered me.I am 37, am 5ft. 1 in. I have lost 100 pounds on 3 diff. occasions, had rny surg. and lose what I considered to be inconsistant. I will go 2-3 weeks with nothing, then lose a lot in one week. I hit platues early on, and continue to do so. I do think it works out in the end, though I started out at 328 and am now 231 6 months later. Being short also makes me feel like I have to work harder to notice a loss, thus, needing to lose more. This is my opinion anyway. Cheers!
   — Marie A.

March 20, 2002
I'm 5'1", so not SHORT, but OK, not tall. I still ost the weight It seemed THEN like it poked along, but in reality, it did just fine. I lost 150# in 13 months, so nothing phenomenal in speed, fast or slow. I weigh about 110# or so. I reached my goal, so I can't say that it was harder to do than the tall girls in my support group.
   — vitalady

March 20, 2002
I am 5'3" and I lost 280 pounds in the first year. I have now lost 332 pounds and am 2 pounds from goal. I don't think your height has anything to do with your weight loss. You can do it. :)
   — DeeDubbs

March 22, 2002
Lord I hope not because i'm only 4"11 and I weigh 300lb. If you are short too let hope together that the weight doesn't come of slower. My other problem is I have large legs because of my being short.I hope this goes away too. Suzanne
   — suzanne S.

March 24, 2002
LOL I'm with Michelle in the "not tall" or "vertically challenged" catagory. Taller people may be able to carry their weight better, but I don't think height has much to do with it. We don't have as much space to "hide" our weight on . Good Luck, you'll make it! Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

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