My tests are almost done, I'm getting excited!!

Only have the stress test to go. Then the insurance has to okey it. I've always been a patient person, until the last couple of weeks,now I can't hardly wait for the next step of this procedure.    — Jean B. (posted on March 19, 2002)

March 19, 2002
You are on your way!! Good luck and Godspeed to you.
   — Donna L.

March 19, 2002
Congrats on getting this far!! I was a ball of nerves and energy waiting for the tests/insurance approval/surgery! Good Luck!
   — Pamela P.

March 20, 2002
I can relate...I only need two more pieces of paperwork to complete my file and have it submitted for approval, and am having an issue with the phsychiatrist...ugh. Anyway, I'm glad you are excited. I, personally, AM GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — rebeccamayhew

June 22, 2002
My surgery date was 6/4/02 so I'm over two wks. post op and doing great! Now I'm trying to learn my new diet.
   — Jean B.

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