Anyone else pulling their hair out getting referrals, approvals, etc.etc.etc.?

I feel like I need a secretary. My PCP thinks I'm fine for the surgery, but he hates paperwork and will only send in a bare bones form to refer me to the surgeon. I wrote out the 4 page history of weight loss and a 3 page letter detailing my co-morbids for him. My surgeon requires I go see several specialists and have evaluations sent before I can make the first appointment to see him. I have found all these doctors on my own, gotten insurance approval on my own and am waiting for the surgeon's office to acknowledge that they got the evaluations. One day they say they got one. The next day they deny they ever got it. I'm physcially going to these offices again, picking up the evaluations in person, and faxing them myself. I have run around and gotten all medical records for the past 10 years from several different doctors and hospitals and sent these to the surgeon's insurance approval person in addition to other documentation for insurance. Etc. etc. The point here is that I am working myself to death here trying to get a medically necessary operation. I am the only one doing any work it seems. No one else seems to care. Any time I have had to have any other type of operation, the doctors' offices handled all this for me. Why do we have to do EVERYTHING ourselves when it's obesity surgery? Anyone else frustrated about this? I am honestly starting to have dreams that the surgeon will hand me an instruction manual and scalpel and tell me to the operation myself when the time comes!    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 4, 2002)

March 4, 2002
Oh my goodness! I hear you just fine! I would either: A. Find a new office and start again, as it's probably only going to get worse, and I would never be treated in such a way. Remember that their laziness, and hands-off approach, says quite a bit about them. Do you really want someone like that doing your surgery? B. Get on the phone with all the offices and DEMAND they pay you some respect! Tell them that you've done more than your fair share in this matter, and your fed up with it. Use big words like National Insititues of Health, or (Your State) board of directors, National Surgeon's commity etc. You can find a whole mess of relativant, important people who will look out for you and your interests. My Insurance company wouldn't budge, or help me at all. I am not sure who you have, but call them and have them hound your doctor. Try not to stress about, just be firm! Maybe you would want to send those evaulation via certified mail, that'll shut them up, or try doing what I did. Fax over your confirmation that the fax DID IN FACT go through. That should help too! Good luck!!
   — Heather H.

March 4, 2002
My goodness!! They should put you on the payroll. I am having many troubles myself. I was told I wasn't heavy enough. What a silly world we live in. As if I was underweight or something. I hope you get throught this mess. I would check this site for a different Dr. Or ask your insurance company to reccomend one. Good luck to you. Christine
   — Christine L.

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