When will my tummy feel better?
It's almost as though my tummy is upset, but not really. It doesn't hurt but doesn't feel good. I feel like if I eat it will sooth it but that almost makes it worse. Im just over two weeks post op and doing fine in every other way. Its just a wierd feeling. I eat a few bites and feel like I can't eat anymore. I even tried a pepcid and this didn't work. Is this just something time will fix? — elifritz (posted on February 22, 2002)
February 22, 2002
Think about all the trauma your poor belly has been through in the last few
weeks- it's understandable to be a little upset. I don't really have any
good 'make you feel better' advice, but I hope you do! Remember to keep up
on the liquids- that is what helps my tummy when it is mad at me. You
should feel better soon...Good luck!
— Angela B.
February 22, 2002
Yes time will take care of this
enjoy that feeling now
because you don't want to eat much
its damned if you do
and damed if you don't
is how I looked at it
I felt like I needed to eat then when I did it didnt settle well
on my stomach
actually it felt better about 1 hour after eating..
when it was empty but I was not hungry
eat crackers..they were my saving grace
— Kathleen M.
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