When will I stop dwelling on this?

I wake up thinking about my tummy and food and aches and pains. I want to forget about everything and just go on with life!! Im two weeks post op and im tired of thinking about this every waking moment, When will this become part of me and I can go on with life and not give it another thought!    — elifritz (posted on February 19, 2002)

February 19, 2002
It takes 6 weeks to make or break a habit, including habitual thoughts. So target for that magical number and, as an alternative, grant yourself 15-20 minutes every morning to think about your tummy. Don't be sidetracked, FORCE yourself to do it for the allotted time. Then if it comes up during the day, defer thinking about it until the next morning. Meanwhile, start planning and implementing what you are going to be doing with all the time on your hands that you used to spend eating...Good Luck!
   — merri B.

February 19, 2002
Hi Lisa - it will get better! I'm 5 weeks out now and it does get much better. I don't know if you work outside the home, but going back to work helped a lot. Even if you don't, when you get back to your regular routines, your mind will be occupied with other things and it will not be the only thing you think about. You are still in the very early stages and it will take at least a couple more weeks - hang in there!
   — Gigi H.

February 19, 2002
Lisa: Hang in there girl. It gets better! I'm three weeks post op, and it goes away a bit every day. Walk as much as you can, this is good for your physical self, but also for your food obsession. I have found walking to be the best medicine, particularly if you have somewhere pretty nearby. Good luck. Shannon
   — shannon W.

February 19, 2002
Probably never! (lol) I'm four years post-op and this whole wls experience is as strong as ever. Perhaps it's because I'm still struggling to meet my personal goal (35 more pounds to go...). But, maybe not. My best friend has exeeded her goal by 10 pounds, but she still dwells on it's been three years for her. Prior to my wls, losing weight was an obession...but back then I had 185lbs. to lose. So, I'm still obsessed...but now it's only 35lbs. Progress! (lol) On the flip side, my uncle had his wls over twenty years ago and he says he rarely, of ever, thinks about it. He never thinks about his days as a 600lb. bedridden man. He says, when he does, it seems like another person's story...not his. I hope I can say that someday.....
   — [Anonymous]

February 19, 2002
I'm 4 weeks out and my experince is the first 2 weeks are the worst. Soon you'll feel better andnot be thinking about your stomach. I feel better now than I did the day before the surgery. And I have always felt pretty good. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

February 19, 2002
Hi anymous!You know a 20 year post op? How is he doing? Please e mail me.
   — bob-haller

February 19, 2002
Hang in there!! I agree with one of the previous posters, the 6 week mark was when I really began to feel good again. Remember that it was a major surgery and a huge change in lifestyle. I'm 5 months out now, down 102 lbs and feel great. You will too... just give it time :)
   — Bobbie B.

February 19, 2002
Lisa, you are not alone. Each and every one of us went through those same 2-4 weeks when we couldn't believe we were so stupid as to have done this to themselves. It gets better I promise (for most anyway). 6 weeks seems pretty right to me also and you will feel 100% better by then. Right now it's hard to see the end of the rainbow but it's there, it just takes time to heal. Good luck
   — Barbara H.

February 20, 2002
My daily motto was One day at a time!!! It just seemed I had made the biggest mistake of my life, it was almost overwhelming. But each day it did get a little bit better. There are so many things I had to readjust to. On the bright side I am now 9 months post-op and at goal!!! I feel as tho I had this surgery a life-time ago. Trust me it does get better over time. Just take it one day at a time!!!! Best of luck!
   — [Anonymous]

February 20, 2002
For me as I reached my 7th week post-op everything started to fall into placed. I had a hard time too until then. I never thought I would feel normal again. My family was stressed out watching me go through some pretty rough times.I was totally miserable BUT! It gets better! I never thought it would but it does. Please believe what everyone else says, its so very true. Hang in there!!
   — Laura G.

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