Where do I find B-12 Sublingual

I went to wal-mart to pick up the vitamins I will need post op, I found B-12 but I couldn't find anything that said sublingual. What exactly does it mean and where can I find it? Thanks in advance, melissa    — M. S. (posted on February 3, 2002)

February 3, 2002
i am 2 days from surgery, i found the sub. B-12 at GNC.... good luck XXOO
   — Tica G.

February 3, 2002
i went to GNC. i suggest you buy enough for six months.
   — michelle R.

February 3, 2002
Sublingual means "under the tongue". You take the tiny tablet by letting it melt under your tongue. I got cherry flavored sublingual B-12 at a health food store. The clerk helped me find it. It's actually yummy! I started taking it two weeks pre-op, along with my other vitamins.
   — Kathy J.

February 4, 2002
I bought mine at Trader Joes at a very reasonable price. Good Luck!
   — mastrnservnt

March 26, 2002
I bought sublingual B12 (liquid form) at Wal-mart. $6.00 for 60 doses. 1200 mcg per dose. You just put one dropperful under your tongue each morning.
   — Kristy -.

March 26, 2002
Sublingual is not liquid- it dissolves under the tongue- I got mine at trader joes- it great absolutly NO taste and dissolves immediatly- Trader Darwin Brand 1000mg weekly
   — ~~Stacie~~

March 27, 2002
Stacie: there is a liquid sublingual B-12. I was at GNC the other day, they have it in either liquid or the tabs that dissolve under your tongue.
   — Anna L.

October 30, 2003
If you are looking for sublingual b-12 vitamins by Dr. Libby at Trivita 10100 Greenway Hayden Loop Suite 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 1-888-432-4829. I hope this helps.
   — jessica P.

October 8, 2004
The B 12 sublingual can also be purchased at Walmart
   — Curlyque C.

October 8, 2004
I get it at the local Vitaminshoppe here. But I've also seen it at Wal-Mart and most of the local pharmacies.
   — Cathy S.

October 8, 2004
I get a liquid B-complex at GNC, , aprox $8 for a 2 months supply. My b-12 levels were 600's, then dropped to 300's. While that was still in the normal range I was uncomfortable seeing a drop and decided I would supplement. I started the drops and was retested in a couple months, and was in the 700's. I have been tested several times since and am holding steady. I feel it is very good, I was told that since they are liquid they absorb very readily and it seems to be true in my case anyways.
   — **willow**

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