Is taking B-12 orally, not sublingually..........absorbed at all !

They have me taking B-12 shots and oral B-12. Reading/hearing alot about taking oral B-12 is a waste, in that it is not absorbed. Is this true. Should I switch to sublingual. What's the effect of too much B-12? shots and oral??    — Jeanne P. (posted on February 1, 2002)

February 1, 2002
Have your B12 tested. Your PCP should be willing to do this for you. Very simple, very cheap even if you had to pay for it. As long as you are above 400, you're OK most likely. Low is 220 or so, but many feel symptoms before they bottom out. Mine was nearly 2000 pre-op, so apprently that's not too high, but a bit too high for shots!
   — vitalady

February 1, 2002
I take mine orally.....My girlfriend had her surgery in Aug 2001 and is not a size 8... she had all her test done for her 6 month check and her b12 was at a very good level... and she had a medial open RNY.... but I would check with your doctor to see what he wants you to take.... About counting calories.. that again is a personal choice.... and I do count calories....along with protein, carbs and fat. I just want to know where I am and develop healthy eating habits.. I went 6 weeks (in my first 8 weeks) and only lost 13 pounds.. I lost 17 in the first two weeks.. now I have lost 70, 30 in the last three weeks.... my best to you...
   — Pamela W.

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