Do you have to be post-op to be an angel?

I'm most likely going to be having surgery (lap RNY) in April, but I'm thinking that it would be helpful to me (and to someone else) if I could be an angel prior to my own surgery. Is that something that's allowable, or are angels typically post-ops for more encouragement?    — Elizabeth W. (posted on January 20, 2002)

January 20, 2002
I was an angel about a month before my surgery. I really enjoyed meeting and getting to know a new person and it was a great way to learn more about what I could expect for myself. By all means, DO IT!!! Someone out there will be very glad you did and so will you. Good Luck!
   — Donna L.

January 20, 2002
i was a long distance angel pre-op. by reading the q&a, the message board, the library etc i felt that i had enuf 'education' to serve as an angel. it also helped me because i learned so much from my angelette when she became post op. now i am post op & i try to be an angel as often as i can & it seems its my lot in wls life to always be long distance. who cares? as long as i feel useful & my angelette feels a measure of comfort having me 'walk alongside them' i will make the long distance phone calls as often as necessary. hubby buys me 1000 minute calling cards at sam's club. they amount to about 4 cents a minute, they last a long time & i make all the calls i want without worrying about running the phone bill up. i recommend u try being an angel. its fun!
   — sheryl titone

January 20, 2002
One of the most rewarding things I did was volunteer to be Peg Shuffstals angel. Her surgeryt was one weeks before me with my surgeon and hospital. Talking to her pre op and the days after surgery with her description of what was going on helped SO much.
   — bob-haller

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