Do the do a drug test in your preadmission testing?

I am a very drug free individual, until I went to a New Years party and ate a brownie off one of the dessert trays. It tasted sorta bad, but I finished it, so I wouldn't offend anyone, then I started to feel bad. When a lady was asking me if I had eaten something that didn't agree with me, I told her about everything I ate that night. She started laughing at me (which ticked me off), she explained that I had a marijuana brownie. My surgery is this month and I am terrified they will test my blood for drugs, I don't deserve this, this party may have ruined my life.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 16, 2002)

January 16, 2002
Marijuana is usually completely out of your system within 21 days. But I really don't think that they would test you for drugs without your consent. Even if they did, it should be out of your system by then.
   — [Anonymous]

January 17, 2002
Don't be concerned. I don't think that they check this in a routine blood test. I had the same fear myself because my b-friend smokes constantly and about a week before my bloodwork he gave me a "shotgun" where you blow smoke in someone elses mouth and make them hold it. He thought it was funny-I sure didn't. But everything worked out great and I had no problems. You'll be fine!
   — [Anonymous]

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