What is the fastest best SAFE way to lose weight after surgery?

I'll be having surgery next week on the 21st, and have bought over $200.00 worth of food, and the huge containers of protein mixes. I know everyone is different, but from what I've been told you usually lose half of your excess weight in the first six months. If at all possible, explain a good way to accomplish these goals or even more.    — Miko P. (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 14, 2002
The best thing to do is follow the orders from your doctor.
   — Donna A.

January 14, 2002
Just having the operation, you'll be losing weight faster than you ever have in your life. Be sure to walk a lot and drink lots of water, and like the previous post ... follow your doctor's orders.
   — [Anonymous]

January 14, 2002
The best thing to do is NOT DIET. Don't be legalistic about all of this. We are learning to eat like normal people in tiny quantities. Of course there are things to steer clear from like sugar, bread, rice etc. only because our new pouch, plumbing cannot handle it. Don't skip meals, that won't get you anywhere, and probably will decrease your metabolism. Eat frequent smaller meals. I can only eat 2 oz. at a time but get hungrier more often. I eat when I'm hungry. Make intelligent food choices. If you think of those eating times in-between the basic 3 meals a day as more meals instead of calling them snacks, you will make better food choices. If they are a meal, you will choose meal food instead of snack food, its a frame of mind. Drink your water, keep your protein high, and like the prev. posters said, follow your doc's orders. It will happen, just wait. Enjoy your new journey.
   — Cheri M.

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