How long before I can go back to work after Lap?

I only have 7 days leave for my surgery, is this going to be enough or am I in trouble. I am having the Lap RNY on January 21, 2002 and I go back to work January 29, 2002.    — Karen E. (posted on December 30, 2001)

December 30, 2001
It's totally up to you. I was doing well and could have gone back. Everybody recuperates differently. If on the 28th you feel like you can't go back, then talk to your doctor and see if he/she can do anything.
   — tmrivas

December 30, 2001
I had lap RNY and went back to work 9 days later. I could have easily gone back after 7. I know that everyone is different but I had no problems. :)
   — Jen S.

December 30, 2001
I was back at work in a full-time office position eight days after my lap RNY. Other than more fatigue than usual, I had no problems at all. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

December 30, 2001
Congratulations on your approval! I also had the lap RNY and I returned to work full time teaching about two weeks later. If anyone can do it, it's you. You're young, "low BMI" and it sounds like despite the fact that you're MO, you're pretty healthy. Take it easy though. If you don't feel up to it, then don't go back. You can take a medical leave and there's nothing they can do about it (except not pay you). Leave it that you are going back on the 29th. If all fares well and you feel okay, then go back. If you're not up to it, just get a letter from the doctor. My aunt had the surgery in November. She thought she'd be back after a week and she wasn't up to it. Her boss wasn't happy but he had no choice. She returned with a doctor's note a week later. Good luck!
   — Jeannet

December 30, 2001
I had my lap rny on 11/5/01. I felt good whe I got released from the hospital and for the first couple of days after that. Then I got sick. My drainage tube was still in and started to get infected. It knocked my recovery back at least a week. I ended up taking 5 weeks off. I probably could have went back to work at 4 weeks. Everyone is different and if you develop complications you wont be going back to work in a week.
   — Patty H.

December 31, 2001
I had my lap RNY on 11/9/01 (Fri.) and went back to work on 11/13/01 (Tues.) for 4 hours. The next day I added an hour, and kept on til I reached 9 hrs. So, within a week I was back full time.
   — Wendy H.

December 31, 2001
I was back to work in six days. I only worked 4 hours the first day and then increased it one hour per day for a week. I had no problems and was glad to get out of the house. Good luck. Michael

December 31, 2001
I've been out for 10 weeks following a lap procedure. Originally I was only scheduled for 5 weeks at the max but I developed a NASTY cold in the hospital and it set my recovery back four weeks. I simply could not heal and fight the flu at the same time. Everyone is different but if you have anything other than a desk job, I would recommend at least three weeks out.
   — vbenedict0208

January 2, 2002
I was out for 10 days. I wish I had stayed out 14. I have a desk job but sitting in one place was uncomfortable for the first few days. If you do go back to work that soon, be sure to get up every hour or so and walk around so you don't get stiff.
   — ctyst

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