Sick before surgery?

My surgery (open rny) is in 19 days (yeah!!!) but I'm terrified I'll get sick! My fiance has the flu, my best friend and her kids have colds and strep throat (these are all people i'm around all the time). And even though I feel fine I'm scared. What happens if you get a cold and are sick when surgery time rolls around? I've been drinking a ton of oj and trying to get enough sleep and generally keep my body and mind in a positive state but happens if I do get a cold?????? Your answers are greatly appreciated!    — Pamela P. (posted on November 30, 2001)

November 30, 2001
Pamela, my surgery is in 10 days. I felt a cold coming on the past couple of days. Yesterday, I sensed that it was getting worse, possibly turning into a sinus infection. I have a tendancy to get bronchitis often which results in weeks of coughing. Of course, I worried about the real possibility of my surgery being postponed if I developed a respiratory infection. I called my pcp and he immediately started me on a 5 day regimine of zythromax to ward off any infection. He's well aware of my surgery and assures me that this medication won't pose any danger for me so close to the operation. Good Luck to you and at the first sign of illness, call your doctor and get his/her advice!
   — Donna L.

November 30, 2001
I don't mean to scare you but my surgery was supposed to happen yesterday (29th), but had to be rescheduled due to the cold that is going around now. Luckily it is only postponed until Dec 18th but it is still a bummer. So take care of yourself. Like the previous I went to the doctor and was given a perscription for Zithromax and I am feeling a little better. Take Care and Good Luck with your surgery!
   — toni D.

November 30, 2001
My surgery is in 19 days too, and I am trying to get bronchitis. At the very first sign (woke up with my lungs burning and had just begun coughing the night before), I went to my PCP and was placed on Amoxil (10-day course) and Tesselon Perles for the cough. I am currently on day three of the antibiotics. I am already getting better. Actually, it never got 'bad'. Last year when I had this, I was having fevers, chills, and horrible coughing. All has been nipped in the bud. My original surgery date was December 13 but it was rescheduled for the 20th which has turned out to be a blessing - I now have more time to make sure this crud is gone! I have also started taking Juice Plus for my vitamin supplement (which is what I have chosen for postop vitamin supplementation) as well as high-dose vitamin C. My advice is to get to your PCP as soon as possible. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

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