Bmi 38 can I qualify?

I have a BMI of 38 and I have been struggling for a number of years. I also had Gestational Diabetes and Hypertension (I was on bed rest for a while). I am wondering if that can help me to qualify even if I don't have it now. I was told my chances of developing "permenant" type 2 diabetes are super high because of the gestational. I also plan on being tested again in a few weeks. Does anyone know about this? Thanks.    — M. S. (posted on November 27, 2001)

November 27, 2001
It depends on your insursance comp., but I was told that if your BMI was under 40 you could still get approved if you also had other co-morbs. and it sounds like you do. Good Luck. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

November 27, 2001
Yes, I am a 35 BMI with other co morbidities. I was approved very quickly by my insurer. I am 5'4" and I weigh in at 210 or so. I know that in time it will just get worse. I think that most of us have more co-mo's than we even realize at first. So much of our ill health is tied to the weight. My surgery is Jan 15 in San Diego. ( Lap RNY)I highly recommend that you get to a support group in your area for lots of good info. Best of luck to you! Michelle
   — Michelle P.

November 27, 2001
You have to check with your insurance company for the exact criteria they go by for the "medical necessity." The general standard is 40 BMI or 100lbs. over ideal weight for height. OR 35 BMI with co morbidities. It's pretty sticky because you don't have diabetes currently, however, it is a well known fact among the medical community that Gest. Diabetes is a precursor to Type II. I had it myself with both kids ..along w/ preeclampsia. I used that as one of my comorbidities...along with GERD, Arthritis and high triglycerides. My BMI is 40. I was approved right away. I think you have a strong chance for approval if you have a good ins. company.
   — Karen B.

November 27, 2001
See a surgeon, you may well have other co morbiditirs you arent aware of like sleep apnea or acid reflux. Of course you can do what others have done, wear heavy clothes to your weigh in, eat a BIG meal beforehand, carry some rolls of change in your pockets, and DONT stand up tall when your heigth is measured. All of these can put you over the 40 bmi to help guarantee approval.
   — bob-haller

November 27, 2001
I was approved with a BMI of 35 with sleep apnea being my only comorbidity. Check with your insurance co for criteria. Aetna approves with a BMI of 40 or BMI of 35 with comorbids. Feel free to email me with any questions. Good Luck!!!!!
   — skymaxjr

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