Graphic: I am one month post op open rny. My BM's have been weird!

They are stinky, range in color from light yellow to bright orange. They are stringly and float on top of the water. Forgive me for being so graphic but I am worried. I haven't had a normal colored stool since surgery! Too embarrassed to ask doc so I am posting anonymously.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 19, 2001)

November 19, 2001
Call your doc. You need to make sure that everything is working properly. Are you supplementing? I know that the iron I take turns my stools black but I've never had the colors you describe. PLEASE -- your doc has seen and heard things far worse than this question. Call his/her office, tell them you have a question specifically for the doctor or nurse (not the receptionist) and would like a return call by the end of the day. Then take a deep breath, and spit it out! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

November 19, 2001
I am 10 days post-op and mine are also very orange and bright yellow. I work really hard to get just a little bit out :-) It is probably very normal. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask your doc if you are concerned about it. I am sure it won't be the first question they get of this nature. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

November 19, 2001
It is your body losing fat. The fat content will change the color dramatically and also makes it "float". It's a good thing, as it shows your body getting rid of what you want it to get rid of.
   — [Anonymous]

November 19, 2001
Me too! I wondered about this, but didn't ask my doctor. The color hasn't changed much but they no longer float, if it's fat making it float then I wish it would float some more! I am 6 mos postop and down 78lbs
   — potterylady

November 19, 2001
I have the same type of BM's. Very smelly also. I am one week post-op and surprised that I have a daily BM.
   — Aloha D.

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