Has anyone had to have this surgery re-done?

I had this surgery done 15 months ago. I was told up front it might not work the way I was hooked up and It did not work well. I am re-scheduled for surgery for a revision on Dec 6th. I keep telling myself, what if this does not work again. It was extremely hard to see other people loose so much and myself loose very little and gain what I did loose back. I knew what to expect, but it is hard to accept. Now I just pray it will work. I don't know if I am looking for moral support or just wanting to know if someone can share the experience I've had?    — christine W. (posted on October 31, 2001)

October 31, 2001
You didn't say which procedure you are going from/to. Wish I could offer an opinion.
   — vitalady

October 31, 2001
You should check out the OSSG-Revision online support group ([email protected]). Good luck to you.
   — Kay B.

November 1, 2001
Babe, I can relate to what you are saying! I am two wks post op from my revision. I had open rny 1 yr ago and the staple line disrupted. I wasn't transected at that time. I worked like the devil all summer to lose wt. At about 6 mos post op I just quit losing no matter what I did. How frustrating! I didn't gain any but it took me 4 mos to lose 10 lbs and this was with exercising, 800 cal a day, and actual starving because I was hungry! Everyone around me kept losing and I was almost suicidal and felt like a failure. Finally, my kind surgeon said "let's do an upper GI". We did and it was apparent to even my eyes that the barium was going into the old "still attached" stomach. My doc scheduled me for a revision and transected my stomach this time. I am losing like crazy again. It is fixable! Keep the faith and if you are like me, you will want to be fixed. If you are having rny, make sure the surgeon transects the stomach. That way you can be 99.9% sure it will not fail again. Remember you did not fail, it is probably simply mechanical. As my surgeon said, "it is like a flat tire. You can still get where you want to go but it will take a lot longer and much more effort."Good luck and e mail if I can help in any way. BTW, a revision is a lot easier than the original surgery! Still have to eat only fluids for a while though but it is worth it!
   — Marilyn C.

November 1, 2001
There are two great Revision groups on Yahoo that might help you out: ( and ( It does happen.. Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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