Can a person with asthema (brought on by obesity) have surgery?

When my sister was prepped and ready for surgery, they checked her breathing. It wasn't strong enough. She has not had the surgery. I am pre-op. I've never had a breathing problem, however, my pulmonary functions tests was 66% of what should be 80%.    — Roselle W. (posted on October 31, 2001)

October 31, 2001
I have had asthma all my life and have had several surgeries. I am scheduled for surgry on Dec 6th. The asthma has not affected my surgery except having some special breathing equipment for a couple of days after surgery as a security blanket just to make sure no problems occur,but that is just me personally. Your doctor should be able to clarify it better for you.
   — christine W.

October 31, 2001
My daughter had adult-onset asthma which her physician felt was directly related to her obesity. She had no problems during her lap RNY or with anesthesia, and has not wheezed one time since her surgery 21 months ago, and 210 lbs. later. This was just one of many miraculous benefits of this surgery for her :-)
   — Diana T.

October 31, 2001
Roselle, I have asthma but successfully underwent Lap RNY surgery four months ago. The major difference for me is that I had to spent my first two days post-op in surgical ICU because of my having to be on a respirator. Two days later, when it was determined that I was strong enough to breathe on my own, I was taken off the respirator and transferred to a regular room. A pulmonary specialist saw me each day in the hospital and prescribed breathing treatments that included two separate inhalers and work with an incentive spirometer--treatments were prescribed four times a day. This was my experience. I agree with the prior suggestions that you might want to talk with your doctor about this. With these extra precautions, I seemed to do well. God bless you!
   — CaseyinLA

November 1, 2001
I have had asthma all my life and have gone through 3 C-Sections and my tubes tied without any problems post-op. My PCP now has me on a regiment of inhailed medications so that my lungs will be ready for weight loss surgery. My PCP told me that no surgeon would touch me with severe lung problems. You should talk with your PCP about putting you on a inhailed steriod like QVAR and an anti-inflamitory like Servent..Works great for me. Good Luck!!
   — mastrnservnt

November 2, 2001
I had exercise-induced asthma prior to surgery and because of my weight and the fact that I also suffered from sleep apnea, I had problems often and was using an inhaler. This is one of the reasons that I was approved for the surgery. 11 months post-op and no more asthma or sleep apnea (stopped after about 5 months post-op). I definitely recommend the surgery to help relieve obesity-related asthma and I wish you the best of luck. God Bless!!! Andrea
   — Andrea H.

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