has anyone not had pancreatitis before surgery and developed it soon after having wls

surgery. I am asking this for Jennifer Perdue who is in the hospital with this at this time.    — pattyw (posted on October 17, 2001)

October 17, 2001
A friend who had WLS developed this soon after her surgery. Apparently the pancreas is very sensitive, and if the surgeon even bumps it, it can get inflamed.
   — mom2jtx3

October 18, 2001
My husband had pancreatitis after a football injury. He had 45% of his pancreas removed, but arccording to the doctor you only need 50% of it to live a healthy life free from insulin. You get it from the pancreaus being bruised or cut.
   — Michelle Y.

October 18, 2001
I got pancreatitis! I had WLS plus gall bladder removal. My surgery was at 10 am, I was in my room by evening and late that night I got it. Horrible! Pain? IN childbirth, I had 21 hour white-knuckle labor followed by a C-section and pancreatitis was MUCH worse. My doc doesn't know why I got it. He said sometimes just the trauma of having the gall bladder out can set it off. He said it's also possible I was passing a stone when I went into surgery. Believe me, I now have a whole new appreciation for my pancreas. I think I'll send it a Christmas card this year.
   — Nancy G.

October 18, 2001
I had 2 bouts of pancreatitis BEFORE the wls surgery. After the surgery is where i had a problem. From July 16,2001, my surgery date to present, I have had 3 bouts of pancreatitis. The docs don't know why. My cholesterol is down to 123 and I'm eating better, but they say it is just an adjustment to the surgery and rapid weight loss. They told me to ride it out and as the weight goes down, so will the episodes of pancreatitis. I sure hope so, as the other poster says, the pain is unbearable sometimes.
   — rose B.

August 30, 2002
8/31/02 Thank you so much for posting this information! I am 2 months post op and got sick during week 5. I was extremely ill and just diagnosed with a post-op ulcer and Acute Pancreatitis. I also had a stroke as a result of the extreme pain raising my blood pressure. It's funny my surgeon acted like there isn't anything that he or the surgery could have done to cause this! My gallbladder is healthy and I didn't have any problems before the surgery that could've caused it! I am in constant pain. Morphine doesn't help, Percocet or the new pill he just prescribed. I can't sleep at night. My skin even hurts. Please send me any information you may have on this recurring condition. Latonya 2 months post-op 70lbs down email: [email protected]
   — Latonya W.

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