has any one had Dr Ronald Gaskin in St louis Mo. for any surgery's

would like to know any information on his bed side manner or just what your first impressions of him where.    — Monique G. (posted on October 4, 2001)

October 4, 2001
Monique-Dr. Gaskin performed my RNY 6/18/01-He not only did the RNY but repaired a huge incisional hernia and removed the redundant skin along with it. I was very pleased with Dr. Gaskin, he is very down to earth, sat down with my husband and me and answered all our questions, his bedside manner is good. I went through the New start program and they suggested Dr. Gaskin. No problems with him-New Start kept losing my paperwork, though. I am hoping after my weight loss, that Dr. Gaskin will perform the tummy tuck I want. Down 74 lbs as of today!
   — Angela S.

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