Can anyone help me to find modest accommodations in Fort Lauderdale?
I know this is very short notice but I don't know what else to do. My surgery is scheduled for August 29 and I live very far away, so I need to find a place to stay for a month. I have been trying on my own without success so I'm turning here for support. Can anyone help me? I can't afford to stay at an extended stay hotel for so long, but I need something furnished. I'm scared that if I don't find anything, my doctor will postpone my surgery. I've struggled so much and slain dragons =O) to get this far I don't want to turn back now. Please help. — dandjon (posted on August 18, 2001)
August 18, 2001
Donna... Fort Lauderdale is full of small mom and pop run hotels that
specialize in month to month rentals because of all the northern snowbirds
that come down for the winter season. In fact most hotels in the area are
seasonal rentals... and they are all empty now during summer and fall. I
tried to look up places online, but there isnt a listing that separates
them from the multitudes of hotels in the area. Holy Cross hospital is
right at Commercial Blvd and Federal Hwy 1. If you take Commercial Blvd two
blocks east to the beach there are so many small efficiency hotels it is
unbelieveable. Here is one for you to call that I am aware of... see what
deal they will negotiate for a month. These are studio apartments...
Merriweather Resort... 954 462 to Mary Jo. Another idea is for
you to talk to Dr. Marema's program coordinator... they have lots of people
who come from out of town and can recommend places for you to stay in all
budgets and even non budgets.
Hope I have helped you.
— SusanMaria
August 18, 2001
Here is a link to an article about low cost Ft. Lauderdale hotels from
Frommer's Travel magazine and website: Cut and paste the
link. They had hotels listed for $33 and up per night. Some of the hotels
have links to the hotel's web site.
— Gina E.
August 18, 2001
I forgot to mention to remember that everything is negotiable. If you are
going to stay one month you should be able to negotiate a discount for a
long term stay. Be sure to ask! If you have any trouble with the link,
let me know (make sure to not copy the period after the end of the link
since it's not part of the link).
— Gina E.
August 23, 2001
Hi, The Greenbrier Hotel in Hollywood is about 10 miles south of Fort
lauderdale. You can get weekly rates and its on the beach. It might be a
little too expensive, but you could stay there for a week, switch to
another location. You would need a rental car there. there are many, many
small hotels throughout Hollywood that you could visit while here, but get
here soon so you can find them. If you need more help, e-mail me at
[email protected] and I will start going through the yellow pages for you.
— juliecole
August 25, 2001
Donna; Check out Homestead. I stay there when I'm running in and out of
Ft. Lauderdale. I was there last week and paid $33.00 a night. They have
a full kitchen and it's new and clean and very conveniently located. It's
on Commercial Ave. close to the turnpike and 95.
— Terri H.
September 12, 2001
Hello: I know that Aug. 29th is long gone, but if anyone else is looking
for accommodations for a week or longer...I can help! Please e-mail me at
[email protected] Thanks, Carolyn
— carolyn C.
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