staples~ do they hurt? how many? how long? hurt to get taken out?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on August 10, 2001)

August 10, 2001
well, I had a lap RNY - three small incisions with about three staples each and one large one with about 10. They were in until about 10 days after surgery and took about three minutes to take out. Absolutely NO PAIN whatsoever.
   — Maria H.

August 10, 2001
I just had an Open RNY on July 5th and I had 14 staples in my original 6 inch incision. My scar is now only 4.5 inches long, 5 weeks later and completely healed. My Doctor said that having the staples removed is what most patients fear the most aside from surgery and from my experience, it is nothing to worry about. The Dr. sprayed a numbing agent over the staples before he started taking them out and I only felt a little pinching, so not to worry.
   — Becca V.

August 11, 2001
I had the open RNY procedure. I had approx 35-40 staples. No, they did not hurt to get taken out. They were removed exactly 2 weeks post op. It felt good to get them out! Marie
   — Marie K.

August 12, 2001
This is the third time I've had staples. Some of them were below the belt in the w"orse place" and those DID hurt to come out. But for the WLS, it just pinched alittle. Nothing bad. I think I had 16 staples (I should have counted at the time) and they came out exactly one week post op. I have had alot of stitches in the past and IF they were left in longer than 7 days (example 10 days) then I was healed up too much at that point and it really hurt to get them out! It seems strange that some people have staples in more than 7 days. But in any case they don't hurt to bad to have in or take out. But it is a relief to have them gone.
   — Danmark

August 12, 2001
I had a long row of staples with my C-section 13 years ago... (the "baby" boy is now taller than Mom!) Although they look positively Frankenstein-esque, they do not hurt. They kind of "itched" as they were being taken out. Not to worry.
   — Nancy G.

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