I was having problems eating, ended up having endoscopy to stretch my opening

I think I messed up. Now I can eat anything without getting sick. Has anyone had this and what happened?    — Christy J. (posted on June 27, 2001)

June 27, 2001
How did you mess up ? I'm starting to have the same problem Surgery 6/16/01 down 101#. I've dumped more the last couple of weeks than I did the first four months no change in diet just can't get it down. I don't know whats up. I don't see the Surgeon until mid August. Mike Hicks
   — Mike H.

June 27, 2001
Are you eating things that should make you sick or eating quantities that should make you sick?
   — Dawn R.

June 27, 2001
Six weeks after my surgery I had problems with throwing up every single day. I thought I was eating too fast, too big bites, etc., but no matter what I did, it continued. It took me about two weeks before I finally decided to call the doctor -- and did so because I was at the point that I was throwing up water -- no matter how little I took. I went to the hospital the next day and had an endoscopy -- the doctor said that my stoma was supposed to be the size of a dime -- and it was the size of a cocktail straw. Once I had it done, however, I went back on liquids for a couple weeks but was fine and it has been fine ever since. I was lucky that I went when I did though, because if I had waited much longer,I would have gotten dehydrated, which causes even more problems. The doctor indicated that this is fairly common -- you heal so well, the stoma closes. Any questions, contact me.
   — Audrey M.

June 27, 2001
Hi, I just got scoped Monday a.m.. Went to the ER last Friday thinkingit was dehydration & low potassium, they kept me...ran tests and here I am. I'm 4 weeks post op. The first day home I could eat anything, now I am getting a little nasaus..and take a few bites and that's it. I wouldn't worry too much yet. How long were you getting sick on foods before you had the scope?? You may have just become accustom to eat a little...get sick. I know I was. Good Luck & Hugs, Karan
   — chance2lv

June 27, 2001
I had same issues, couldn't hold food always came back up only liquids would pass thru stoma, at 3 months post-op had scope, after 2 days on liquids, I can eat anything I want with no feelings of fulliness, I have to watch what I eat and the quanity, I feel it was too early to have to count calories, but what the hey still losing just not as fast as before scope averaging 10lbs a month now. slow lost will most likely be the best health wise. i'm post-op 5 months 1wk and down 82lbs. hang in there. email me if you have questions
   — Jamie C.

June 27, 2001
I am currently 8 wks post op. I did fine eating then at about 4 1/2 - 5 wks, I starting vomiting on everything. I first I wasnt chewing well enough, too fast, too much, I thought I carfully watched what I was doing, but pills were getting stuck, hurting to eat- I could feel the food just sitting and not going thru, got where I couldnt hardly get in fluids, yojurts, etc. My husband called the doc and had the endosocpy, they said my opening was so small they had a hard time getting the scope thru, ever since I can eat anything. I scared because of this. It doenst hurt, no pain, I dont get "full, I just have to stop eating. What if my "old ways" start? What should I do? At least before, I couldnt eat and knew I would have to lose weight. Anyone have any suggestions?
   — Christy J.

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