No one ever told me how hard it was going to be to make changes in eating post op.

I'm only 2 1/2 weeks post op. Was not a big eater before. But not being able to down a glass of ice water, or feeling every sip as it goes down, makes me miserable. Will someone tell me when I will be able to eat a piece of pizza or maybe a quarter of a submarine. What about a piece of toast?    — Robin J. (posted on May 29, 2001)

May 29, 2001
Being able to feel everything as you swallow it move through your system drove me crazy. It really drives home the fact that your stomach and intestines were operated on. That feeling does go away. I think mine got better about 4 weeks post-op. I had pizza 5 weeks post op. It was dominoes thin crust cheese only. I only had 2 tiny pieces and it was ok. I did not feel great afterwards but I did not dump. Take it slow. The past 2 days I have had no appetite and the thought of food makes me gag. I was told we go through cycles in our eating. This was from my DR. because I was concerned and I called to check on this. Good luck and it gets better, it just takes time and sometime it is slower than we would like!
   — Tawny F.

May 29, 2001
It's very important for you to be consciously aware that you must be patient with yourself. You are beginning to go through many changes (with many, many things to look forward to!), and you simply need to give your body time to heal. Right now, your insides simply can't handle all the food it used to get. If your surgeon has a nutritionist on staff, be sure to make a follow up appointment. You are also grieving food, and if you feel the need to speak to a professional counselor about it, please do so. Does your sugeon have a support group you can attend? This would be a great source of comfort because many others are going through the same thing. As far as when you'll be able to eat certain foods, that depends on your surgeon's guidelines. And when eating a new type of food, introduce it in minute quantities until you know your system can handle it. It DOES get better. I am 1 year post-op and feel like I am eating close to what "normal" people do. Hang in there. It's worth it!
   — Paula G.

September 18, 2001
I am only 13 days post op and the eating challenges are the hardest for me right now. I feel good. Most days being very tired but other than that I am back to normal. I want to eat more things. I am on a mushy diet and it is driving me crazy. I want to eat normally.I know my portions will be small but I want to eat the things my family is eating. I appreciate reading this question as it helps to know that others feel the same way as I do and that it will get better...Right now I am off to drink another protein drink.....
   — Diane P.

September 19, 2001
I, too, had a hard time with the liquid/pureed diet. Hated it! My saving grace was that my doctor allowed thinly sliced deli meat on the pureed diet. Eating a turkey and cheese wrap made me feel so NORMAL! lol Now at 4 months out I eat anything a "normal" person would, just less. I do avoid bread, sugar, and fried foods (they make me dump) but i don't really miss them. I am too busy eating pork tenderloin, grilled chicken, chili, steak, etc. I split meals with my daughter or husband when we eat out and don't notice a difference until the check comes! lol Hang in there and you will get used to it. When the weight really starts to come off, you won't regret this adjustment period!
   — ctyst

September 19, 2001
That lump w/every sip feeling will go away as you are able to take 2 sips in a row. The air comes with the first one only! Like Barb, I either get the meatball sandwich at Subway or my fave, ALL veggies! Yum. I cut the 6" in half and eat most of that (at 7 yrs), or part of it and a few chips. Pizza has not tasted "right" since surgery, but I prefer the crust to the topping. Sick, huh? My protein is chocolate, so I don't worry about protein foods. I love salads, grains, nuts, seeds, things I can get the nutrition out of. There's a break in period. Ours was 4 weeks on CLEAR liquid. I didn't mind the break in period, really, because I was losing by the minute (felt like) and that made me too ecstatic to miss food. As time has gone on, though, I find it is TEXTURES that interest me.
   — vitalady

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