Arizona Iced Tea!

I am a tea addict.. I do NOT want to change this.. has anyone ever had any problems with dumping with the Arizone Green Tea brand?    — RingWRaith2020 (posted on March 26, 2001)

March 26, 2001
Hi there - I have not yet had surgery - still waiting for my date - but have done a lot of research and am pretty sure the dumping is because of the sugar - if you want to avoid this - try the diet arizona green tea - i dont think it has sugar in it, I believe it is made with nutrasweet.....hope this works :)
   — Sharon Jones

March 27, 2001
Green tea may promote weight loss Green tea may play a role in weight loss beyond that explained by its caffeine content, according to a recent study. European researchers studied the calorie expenditure of 10 healthy men. On three occasions the men were randomly given capsules containing green tea extract (which contains caffeine), caffeine or a placebo (inactive). The men who took the tea extract used more calories during a 24-hour period than the others. There was no difference between the number of calories burned by the caffeine users and the placebo users. The research team believes that the increased calorie use in the green tea group is due to some factor other than caffeine content -- possibly an interaction between caffeine and flavonoids, natural substances in green tea with antioxidant properties. Ya, maybe green tea would be worth checking out. I ran across this article on my insurance site. best of luck.
   — Lisa B.

March 27, 2001
While I appreciate the study info., I'd be hesitant to apply those results to a benefit in drinking a particular brand of tea. I saw a friend drinking the Arizona stuff just yesterday. A full one is 2.5 servings with 17g of sugar per serving. This puts a full bottle ahead of a coke or pepsi in number of sugar grams. The diet stuff might be better, but nutrasweet is an appetite enhancer. So, I think drinking green tea, hot or cold, with no sweetener would be the only way to mimic the study. Once you throw in the sugar or artificial flavoring, you've done far more than the tea could help with. However, I don't believe in denial or complete uptightness. If you must have your tea and you can find a way to do it safely, knock yourself out.
   — kcanges

March 29, 2001
I was a big drinker of Lipton and Nestea canned iced tea post op because I had problems with gas and thought the carbonation of the diet sodas was a contributor so I tried to drink the tea instead. I kept having a lot of different digestive problems but got more tolerant of carbonation lately and got tired of tea so now I am drinking almost no tea and all diet soda. Guess what, less gas, less cramping, etc. I have just sort of "discovered" that the sugar in the tea was one of my big problems! I don't like the diet kind either.
   — Sheryl S.

February 7, 2002
YES! Arizona DIET green tea rocks the house! It tastes like normal sweetened tea.. ENJOY!
   — Anna S.

June 8, 2002
I drink the Sobe Lean Green Tea - it is sugar free. It tastes great in my own humble opinion. I like it when Safeway has them on sale for like 12 for $10.00 because here in Salinas they run about 2bucks a bottle ($1.59) but hey I stock up when they go on sale. They have I think 5 or 6 leans that post ops can have Tropical,Green Tea,Peach,Grapefruit, I can't remember all of them. Anyways enjoy them the have 0 carbs and it counts as your liquid. I've also started going to Starbucks for coffee and I add a scoop of chocolate protien powder and a packet of splenda and its a good coffee with the extra protein that I even as a prebie don't get enough of. My doctor wants me getting 100grams and I was if lucky getting maybe 50-60 in a day (thats a really good day). Just thought I'd throw that one in as an idea. I'll be on the other side soon I hope.
   — Eileen D.

September 29, 2005
I can only drink lipton green tea; which i hear is herbal and then I hear is not. I have had problem with low iron which is not helped by this, but I can only drink tea and its all i like. I do not know what else to say. I have always been picky on my drinks. I used to like water. Now it only makes me real sick.
   — Cynthia H.

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