been eating to many homemade cookies today now what
i haven't gotten dumping syndrome yet but i know i have eaten to many cookies i have done good up until now but affraid scales might show it in a few days what should i do go back to liquids for a few days or what advice does anyone have cheryl — cheryl J. (posted on December 24, 2000)
December 24, 2000
Hi Cheryl...gee, I've had a few cookies this week! What do I
plan on doing? Well, first of all, I'm going to do all I can to get 64 oz.
of water in and I'm not going to beat myself up because it is Christmas,
and I'm cooking for 15 tomorrow. Secondly, I intend on munching on the
salmon spread and pickle tray before dinner. Then, I will have mostly
(lean) ham and a tablespoon of potatoes and beans. After that, I'm sure I
won't have too much room left for dessert (I got all that tonight!)
Finally, any leftovers that aren't on the plan are going to be sent out of
the house. Funny how my daughters got boxes of chocolates for Christmas
and I was even interested, but when mom brings the breads and cookies over,
watch out! The best thing about WLS is that when you say you're going to
get back on track, you can! Good luck to you and enjoy your Christmas!
— Allie B.
December 25, 2000
Cheryl~ I have had too many cookies the WHOLE holiday season so far LOL
Try not to be too hard on yourself, I am a believer of eating things in
moderation. Just try to get yourself refocused and back on track. I'm
sure this little "binge" will not harm you in any way as far as
the scales go. Drink your fluid and enjoy your holiday. Hugs~
— Marni
December 25, 2000
Cheryl, first of all, I bet if you asked most of the 3 month or more
postops almost every one of them probably cheated at "least" just
alittle bit this holiday season. I'm 18 months postop, and yes, I too am
guilty only I have the opposite problem that you speak of. I am supposed
to be gaining about 5 to 10 pounds and when I cheat, I lose weight. I know
that sounds funny but, alas, it's true. I had the BPD/DS and when I cheat,
it pushes everything out of me and I lose so, I have now lost another 4
pounds this season and have to face the doctor this week with the news. I
was so proud of myself because I had actually gained 2 pounds and now that
is gone plus another 4. Either way, whether we need to lose or gain, we
are human and as such, we want to have a nice time and be
"normal" sometime. Don't beat yourself up about this and just
get back on track as soon as possible. I wouldn't change a thing about
your regimen as far as the doctor is telling you. Don't try and "make
up" for the gain that you might or might not have, just try and lose
again. It's all any of us can do.
Barbara Henson-BPD/DS 6/99
280 to 113
— Barbara H.
December 26, 2000
You're not alone. I Do dump, but have no biz sitting all that close to the
cookies, ANYWAY. Sugar can jump off a plate onto me, I'm certain. Well,
you've already beat yourself up, so there's your extra exercise. Now, all
you can do is start tomorrow fresh. If you're already taking in 60g of
non-milk protein, up it to 90g for 2 weeks. If you're already at 64 oz of
water, up it to 72 oz for the same 2 weeks. Even if you don't lose another
pound, you'll feel REALLY noble in your head! For the last 6 yrs, I've not
made cookies, but have made Chex Mix. The family loves it and I can eat all
I want--not a speck of sugar. But this year, my mom died and all the
traditions were sadly lacking. I need to get back on the Chex Mix wagon so
the cookies don't call my name next year. And yeah, I'll be upping my
protein another 30g AND my water. All I want is to maintain my wt, but I
know the keys: protein & water, so into my face it goes. It's always
been easier to put things IN my face than to keep them out, so in with what
is good and healthy and it keeps those other cravings at bay.
— vitalady
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