Is chromium an appetite suppressant?

I recently purchased some chromium picolinate. I heard it was an appetite suppressant. I have felt more energy and I feel really good but my appetite has increased (real stomach growling hunger) could this product be doing this? I like the extra energy but not the hunger I find myself fighting it most of the day. Any help?    — Diane S. (posted on November 13, 2000)

November 13, 2000
Diane, When I was seeing a Bariatric Physician, he recommended Chromium Picolinate for use as a "natural" hunger suppressent. I felt it curbed my hunger when I used it, but I didn't notice having any great deal more of energy.
   — Marnie K.

November 14, 2000
Hello Chromium is a mineral that promotes glucose metabolism for energy,works as a deterrent for diabetes as a blood sugar regulator,is most absorbable as a spray, Best Regards James
   — James R.

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