Do you have to be post-op to be an Angel?

I tried to connect via the How To Be An Angel link, but it said "page not found". Do you have to be post op to be an Angel? Do you have to be an Angel to someone in your city or state?    — Vanessa J. (posted on October 19, 2000)

October 19, 2000
Vanessa, No you do not have to be post op and No you do not have to be local. I live in Alabama and I notice very few from the Mobile area on our site. I have been an angel only twice so far and one was in Maine and the other is in Michigan. Angels are needed very badly and it only takes a few minutes and very little long distance cost to check on the person and then to post. You would not believe how much it did for me to be an angel. My other girl is having surgery tomorrow and I am as excited about her surgery as she is.(almost) Go ahead and be an Angel you will get as much out of it as you give. ^j^
   —  emma lavonne G.

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