What is the lowest BMI anyone has had and still was approved for WLS?

   — Misty J. (posted on June 28, 2000)

June 28, 2000
My BMI was I think hovering around 35 and I was approved by Cigna.
   — Beth B.

June 28, 2000
Mine was 38 when I first went to the doctor. They would not let me have the surgery because my insurance would not pay unless I had a BMI of 40. Needless to say, I gained the weight so my insurance would accept me.
   — Barbara P.

June 29, 2000
Mine was barely over 40 with a co-morbity of arthritis and some other lesser ones. I have CIGNA HMO. Good Luck!
   — Dot W.

June 29, 2000
I am 5'4 and I weighed about 205. My BMI was 38. No problem with approval from Aetna US Healthcare EPO. I am 7 weeks post op and down 37 lbs.
   — Tami G.

June 29, 2000
My BMI was 37.5 at the time of my operation. My surgeon will not place bands on people with a BMI below 35, and will not do RNYs on people below 40.
   — Layla R.

June 29, 2000
Hi! My BMI was 34.2. I had several comobidities. I was terminal from Pancreatitis caused from High Triglycerides. I was Diabetic, taking 22 bottles of insulin monthly. I had open RNY With Ileum Bypass, on 4-17. I've lost 55#, and am cured of pacreatitis and diabetes. I weigh 158 today!!!!!
   — CohenHeart

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