How can I get my body back in the weight loss mode after pregnancy?

I am about 3.5 years post op bypass surgery. I had my second child about 5 months ago and cannot seem to get my body back to losing weight. What can I do? I gained about 15 pounds and now I am up 5 more? Do I go back to an all liquid diet and no carbs? I try to drink alot of protein shakes and I cut out the sodas. Any advise from someone who has been there?    — Lisa R. (posted on February 1, 2005)

February 1, 2005
I am also a little over 3 years post op. I had a baby a year ago and didnt start gaining until after I delivered. I put on about 17lbs and I know what panic your going through as I am going through it too . I spoke to my doctor and the only thing she suggested was to up my excerise and try to boost my metabolism again. Of course cutting out the bad carbs and watching my protein again is probably important too. I wish I had a definate answer for you but just know there is someone else out there going through the same ordeal. Good luck to you!
   — Barbara S.

February 2, 2005
Up your water, increase your (lower fat) protein, exercize alittle more, cut your caffeine, get more sleep, and cutting the bad carbs. Not all carbs (fruits, vegs, & whole grain) are bad. Don't drink with your meals. I found myself snacking more after I had my twins...I made sure they were protein snacks. I went from 196 about two months pregnancy post op to 167 four months after my pregnancy. Today I teeter between 150 and 156 after my tummy tuck. I still want to get down about 10 more...I need to follow my own advice! LOL Good luck!!
   — Tammy W.

February 6, 2005
I had my son almost 9 months ago, I am 3+ yrs post op. I would do what you did prior to having the baby or at last try to do that. I am so bad when it comes to excercising and following the "rules" but I do watch that scale and if i go over a certain # (145) I am right back on track to get that down again. I do not ever want to be as big as i was so I will do what ever it takes to stay healthy!! congrats on the baby......
   — Deanna Wise

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