Do you have to become a Yahoo member to get into the pregnancy group info?

I am planning a pregnancy in 7/05, if I get my surgeon's blessing (RNY 2-04). I want to talk to some people who are post op and pregnant. I tried to find the Yahoo page and it wanted my yahoo id. I belong to compuserve, not Yahoo.    — Kerijohnson (posted on December 19, 2004)

December 19, 2004
You have to create an ID at to access the group messages. You can create a hotmail or yahoo e-mail address (both free) to sign up. That way you don't get spam sent to your "real" e-mail box. We also have a Post-op Pregnancy message board here at
   — Ali M

December 19, 2004
Yahoo is free and you can create a ID for nothing. There are a lot of online groups that are related to WLS. Create a account for frre and you can just use it to get information on the diffrent groups that you are interested in.
   — JerseyGirl

December 22, 2004
As everyone says below, yes. I just wanted to say I used that site ALOT and it is great!
   — emilyfink

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