How good are Balance Protein Bars for us?

Hi everyone! I just got a bunch of the Balance Protein bars on sale and figured I could have one of these a day to substitute for my one protein drink a day. The carbs are way higher though, so I will keep any other carbs out of my diet for the time being. I find it easy with these, I can have one either at work in the morning or on the road. I just started being able to handle the taste of these. I am 6 months out and down -101 pounds. So, what is your opinion on the Balance Protein Bars? Thanks in advance!!    — wildchild (posted on October 26, 2003)

October 26, 2003
First it is not a protein bar. A protein bar - as a rule of thumb, should have more protein than carbs. Otherwise it can be called an energy bar, but not a protein bar. I know, I'm splitting hairs :>) That said, the rule of thumb that I've learned from successful posties is that protein should ALWAYS be higher in grams than carbs and sugars should be under 6 to 10 grams. With the Balance Bars (all the varieties) the carbs exceed 20, the protein is always at or below 15, the sugar is 12 to 17 grams. Not a good balance in my humble opinion. Congrats on breaking the 100 pound mark though! :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 27, 2003
For the longest time, I was having one Balance Gold bar a day. I know they are not as good for us as the less carb ones, but frankly I found them palatable compared to the lower carb ones. But once I discovered the Detour bars, I switched and never went back. They come in small and large sizes. The small ones have 160 calories, 15 protein, 13 carb and 6 sugar. Made by Designer Whey, they sell the big ones (double the size and figures above) at GNC and the smaller ones at Walmarts and Trader Joes. This weekend, I found several others made by Designer Whey, called One Way, U-Turn and Joyride (Cute names, huh?). Have tried all of them and much prefer th Detour.
   — Cindy R.

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