jelio bypass in 1974 reversed no what?

At age 15 in 1974 I had jeio bypass and lost a lot weight down to 110. Unfortunately I was having liver problems, and had to have it hooked back up at age 18, I gained all my weight back, and with babies and diet I still have a problem. my liver went back to normal right away no problems, in 1996 I went on medifast lost 100 poundsi in 6 months had back surgery and gained back to 200 pounds now I weigh 367 and I need to lose weight.I was just wanting to know if someone else had the old by pass and have gotten the new i have a surgeon appointment on nov 2003.    — christygran (posted on October 16, 2003)

October 16, 2003
I had the same surgery in 1981 with one of the docs that pioneered that type of surgery. I had no follow up care and suffered many problems for many years and kept refusing to let them reverse it. Well, last year i had a bowel obstruction due to a valve the doc fashioned in me to prevent reflux (he was the only one that made these valves. said he went to Italy to learn how to do it. I vomitted for almost three years and my pcp could not find the problem. Oh, and i had a weird form of arthritis too that nearly had me in a wheelchair. Going into surgery for the bowel obstruction, i begged the doc not to undo my bypass but he said he found such a mess inside me that he had to. Then he recommended the rny. I nearly died and was back in the hospital three times for complications from the obstruction and reversal. I gained 85 lbs from feb, 2002 till June, 2002. I had my rny in feb this year and am totally happy with it. Basically my reversal made me like someone who had never had the surgery. You know, they didnt staple our stomachs then just the intestional bypass. I was what they call a re-do- re-do. The rny was easy to do and the insurance approved in 16 days. I am so much happier and healtheir now. You shouldn't have any problem. if you want to talk further, email me. HUGGS, Delores. Oh, the surgeon who did my reversal said 90% of the people that had that surgery were dead and i was one of the lucky ones that lived to tell about it but I was on my way out also.
   — Delores S.

October 17, 2003
A friend of mine went through what you did and is now MO again too. I asked my surgeon whether she could have the DS and he said yes. I hope you'll research the DS at With a normal stomach instead of a pouch and stoma, it's generally easier to live with, and there's no regain of weight later on. Whichever surgery you have, it will certainly be better than the JIB!
   — Chris T.

October 22, 2003
I had the JIB in June 1977 (got out of the hospital on my 18th BDay). Went from 305 to 150 and stayed within a 10 lb range for about 20 years. From the sounds of it I have been one of the lucky few who has never had any problems. However, as I have gotten older and more sedintary, over the last 7 years I am now back up to 270 and scheduled for RNY on Nov. 3rd. My surgeon was somewhat shocked I had never had the JIB taken down, but will be doing so when he does my open RNY. Best Wishes.....Cindy
   — csrodriguez

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