Is anyone else Unable to Vomit?

I had a Lap RNY 8 mths ago and have been Unable to Vomit since. I might have sever nausea w/dry heaves but Nothing Ever comes up. Even when I eat something that disagrees w/me I just dry heave and have to suffer. Recently I came down w/a Stomach Virus/Flu and had to spend 4 days in the hospital because I couldn't vomit, which would have helped. Instead I had to let it go through my system, which was very painful. The surgeon who was called in, in case I had an adhesion or whatever, said that I might have to suffer like this everytime I catch a stomach bug or possibly a cold cause I can't vomit. Anyone else have this problem? Please, Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.    — Lilackitten (posted on August 31, 2003)

August 31, 2003
I'm right there with you! I thought I was just weird!!LOL I am 15 mos. post-op and at the very beginning I would bring up some mucous and then it was only very small amount. But for the last 12 mos. or so I will get very nauseous and maybe dry heave but nothing will come up. I'm nervous about this as my husband and I are trying to have a baby and with my other pregnancies I had alot of morning sickness.I will be bringing this up at our next support group meeting and see what answers anyone else has. I'm sorry you were in such pain and wish I could offer more help. Just know your not alone in this.
   — Sheryann Z.

August 31, 2003
Prior to surgery I probably threw up 5 times in my life so I was not an experienced vomiter. LOL I have the same problem since surgery. I would be totally miserable yet I had such a hard time getting even some of the food out. However, I found my trick. When I have food that just has to come out I take some big gulps of water. The pain is horrible for a short time but the pressure of the water on the food in the pouch forces it out quite nicely and pretty complete. This is the only way I can get decent results. <p>This would not work for like the stomach flu. Fortunatley I rarely ever throw up from food anymore. Only when I have done something really stupid and ate way way too fast. I'm sure I will need a repeat lesson every once in a while. LOL
   — zoedogcbr

August 31, 2003
I have the same problem since having the surgery. I can get some mucus up, and sometimes a little food, but not much. Now I'm scared about getting the stomach flu! UGH! I also wonder why this happens.
   — Tamara S.

August 31, 2003
Never have dumped but wailed to long beteew meals and get nauseous and have dry heaves.
   — charanewme

August 31, 2003
Yes yes yes... I have WANTED to vomit so bad a few times, but I could stick my entire arm down my throat and nothing would come out!! I have joked that my doctor removed my "puking mechanism"....not an answer, just sympathetic since I can completely understand.
   — Kelly B.

August 31, 2003
I have not been able to vomit in I bet over 30 years. There have been several times I have needed to throw up since my surgery. All that happens is that it comes up to the top of my throat and balls up there and causes great pain to me. I have begged and prayed to throw up but nothing happens and I am sick for 24 hours after that. I also have pouch spasms for about 3 days afterwards. My doctor even thought I was developing a stricture so I had a barium swallow test, abdominal xrays and chest xrays done. Everything is fine. I think it would be so much better if I COULD throw up, but with my system I am cursed and don't. Oh well, that's the breaks. LOL...I will make it through this somehow and put up with it. I can sympathize with you totally. I had the open rny on May 29,2003. I have lost 122 pounds from my highest recorded weight before surgery, and 74 pounds since surgery. I started out 412 at highest, saw the surgeon at 364, and am now at 290! Wow, have not seen the 200's in ages! Good luck to you!~Lise
   — Lise W.

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