After I have VGB, will I still have GERD??

I have GERD and I am having VGB on June 2nd. Will the band help with GERD??    — S A. (posted on May 20, 2003)

May 19, 2003
Sorry it will not fix gerd. The proven solution for gerd is the RNY.
   — Sam J.

May 19, 2003
I think just by losing weight it will solve most GERD problems.
   — SJP

May 20, 2003
Sorry, but the roux-en-y doesn't cure GERD either. I am 2 years post op and still have to take Prevacid twice a day. As a matter of fact, sometimes it seems worse now than before. Maybe it's just because I can "feel" my upper body and stomach now. I couldn't before. I can feel my food go all the way down and can feel it when the GERD starts.
   — Tammy V.

May 20, 2003
My VBG was 1/28/03 and am now down 42 lbs. I have not taken the prevacid since surgery. My eating habits are so different now. I never have reflux at night anymore! Everyone is different. Good luck! Alma
   — Alma W.

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