Has anyone gotten approved with United Healthcare for Tummy tuck and breast lift?

   — schmlae1 (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
I'm in the process of trying to get approved right now. I have gotten a denial, but am in the appeal process. My p.s. asked for thighs, tummy & breasts, saying the thighs and breasts probably wouldn't get approved. I've appealed for just the t.t.
   — scottiemaam O.

March 12, 2003
HI there, They approved my reduction and lift but not my tummy. Wish you all the best
   — sarah C.

March 12, 2003
They approved my tt only because i had a hernia to be repaired. haven't tried for the lift yet, that's a ways down the road.
   — Tammy N.

March 12, 2003
Denied for the tt and lift. Will be appealing just the tt.
   — lessofme170

March 12, 2003
I was denied Abdominoplasty 15831 and Brachioplasty 15836. I had letters from PCP, WLS Surgeon, Plastic surgeon, dermatologist, chiropractor, and ob-gyn explaining my current issues with rashes, infections, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, body odor, difficulty with lifting and walking and range of motion. I am in a 2nd level appeal process now. The hearing is scheduled for March 25th. They are being beligerant. I was just now diagnosed with fibromialga today and not sure if I will tell them as i may hurt my case. After the 2nd level appeal I have an option for a external review and then that is it. Good luck.
   — Teena A.

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