Would you of ever guessed ?

Would anyone of guessed that such a beautiful person was hiding inside of our morbidly obese body? I have seen so many people and pictures of people who have had this surgery and they are stunning. I just stare in the mirror in disbelief that the person looking back at me IS ME!!! I think that the beautiful person who emerges out of an overweight person is MORE beautiful than the ones that had it handed to them at birth because we know what it is like to be different. If I would of known that THIS is what was hiding inside of me I would of did this sooner... I am not trying to sound stuck on myself but who else out there feels this way?.. Or am I just goofy.    — Lisa J. (posted on January 31, 2003)

January 31, 2003
Honey, post a photo of yourself! We want to see you!
   — jenn2002

January 31, 2003
hi there :) and no your not goofy! hehehe! i know exactly what you mean and where you are coming from! pre op, i never felt ugly just toooooo big! but i feel it has improved everything inward and outward having the wls. life is great!!!!!!:)
   — carrie M.

January 31, 2003
Hi..I know what you mean..I look at my before and after pictures and although I know I am far from any super model it still amazes me to see the person that was hidden underneath all that fat.
   — Debbie M.

January 31, 2003
Hi. I like your statement that the person who emerges is MORE beautiful than the person who would have grown up thin from birth. . .we have all been through the HELL of Morbid Obesity and I think it teaches us a great deal. We are kinder, gentler people. I think we may be nicer than a lot of people who are born to thin beauty. . .we don't take it for granted!
   — Sarah S.

January 31, 2003
Hey Lisa, You're not goofy! Have fun...we deserve it. I love the way I look now but I really love the way I feel. I'm a new person with a greatful soul. I think people can see the happiness in our eyes and it is contagious. Lynn
   — Lynn E.

January 31, 2003
I'm so glad you posted that!! For the last few weeks a thought has been running through my head....everyone has told me my whole life "you've got such a pretty face, you'd be just beautiful if you lost weight" and I'd been starting to worry, "what if they're wrong.. what if I'm NOT pretty under all the fat?" But now, I'm not worried, because you're right... after I go through with surgery, and learn to be a healthier person, I WILL BE BEAUTIFUL! Thank you!
   — Kelly B.

January 31, 2003
I still stare at my "after" profile picture because I haven't look like this in so long that I've forgotten how I used to look. I'm certainly not stuck on myself either but after feeling so bad about my appearance for so long it's nice to feel good about it. Congrats on your weight loss.
   — Michael N.

February 2, 2003
Hi all ! I am pre-op so I'm not at the point of discovering the hidden me, but my brother is. I have to tell on him. He had surgery on Feb 12, 2001 and has lost 252#..He is getting looked at (in a good way) and enjoying every minute of it. But his wife is the funny one. At a support group meeting, his doctor asked if he was doing ok, any problems, etc. His wife said the only problem he was having was there weren't enough mirrors in the house !!..He was always a nice looking guy and now he is great looking and enjoying being alive. I can't wait.
   — Tammyjo

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