I Feel like I WONT / cant /inpossable for

Im just wating to hear back from the inshorence co, is all ..we are looking at a 3week wate, my BMI is 60+ , Im 5feet 4 inch tall and im so huge 380~ Eathen thoue im going to have this surgery, I feel like Im just to big to lose the weight It just wont work for me! I feel like my body just cant get small, Is this a normal feelings or do some folk just never lose the weight at all ,I know everyone is differnt and we all have differnt bodys and such, Maybe im just the 1- in a 10000000 that this wont work for! anyone out there have the same problem ? If there is someone who had feelt this way or feels this way ,please tell me how your dealing with these thoughts and if your a post-op and bin thought these feelings how are you doing ???? thank you all for your help, this meens alot to me, to here your thoughts!    — Michelle M. (posted on December 22, 2002)

December 21, 2002
Ahh never been to a support group meeting? Do attend them! SAeeing their success will help motivate you. Hear their stories of folks espically 100 loosers, take one to dinner. See them eat good normal food in small quanties. All f us to one degree or another gear failure. But the RNY REALLY WORKS!
   — bob-haller

December 21, 2002
Michelle - I second Bob's notion to get to a support group meeting, even prior to your operation. I had my surgery in July and I have been attending support group meetings since April. <p> You think you are huge? There are people out there who have weighed more than you and had a larger BMI and have been successfl. My BMI was 75 with a weight of 427 pounds on my 5'4" frame. As of 12/14, I was down to 301 pounds and, although I have not weighed myself since then, I am definitely down in the 290's now. One of the people in my support group started out at 710 pounds - he's lost almost 190 pounds so far. <p> Everyone loses weight after the RNY. The trick is keeping it off is to use the 12-18 window of opportunity to revise your lifestyle and eating habits so that when the stomach expands a little after that first year, you are eating healthy...JR (open RNY 07/17 -126 pounds)
   — John Rushton

December 22, 2002
I was 460 when I started out and 412 on my surgery date. I am down 82 in a little over 3 months.(+48 pre surgery) Now, the thing is I have similar feelings even now. But It is Working! You will be successful too. The thing is the my " body just can't get small" part you wrote. That is what I struggle with. I am trying hard to give up my focus on being "smaller" and concentrate on how much better I feel. While I am still wearing a size 30 and noone would label me small. I can walk up and down the stairs, fit in movie seats, shop until I am done instead of exhausted. When you start out at a higher weight it takes time to get to the Wow you look great part, but the wow I feel great comes quickly. My goal weight is 240, which is over 200 loss from my high, but at 240 noone is going to come up and say I'm anything resembling small. I guess the point is even if we aren't "small" at the end of the weight loss, we can still be successful because we will be so much healthier. Best of luck, you will do great.
   — Carrie R.

December 22, 2002
I started at 332lbs at 5'2" with a BMI of 61. I had surgery on 3/12/02 and I was a size 32/34. I'm now 9 months out and down 157lbs and I weigh 176lbs and a size 14. Many people have had success before you so there is no reason to think you won't be one of them. I understand how you feel because through the whole process I had this little voice in the back of my head saying "this won't work it will be like everything else I've ever tried". It does work. I just kept telling myself that even if I only lost 50% of my excess weight it would still be worth it. I've now lost 75% of my excess weight and I'm still losing 2 or 3 lbs per week. I feel confident now that I will get there but even if I never lose another pound it was worth it. My life is greatly improved I'm never the biggest one in the room anymore, I don't have to search around for a chair I can fit in, I even ran yesterday to get out of the rain. Only in my wildest dreams did I ever get in to a size 14 but now I do and you know what? there loose! Good luck
   — Alison N.

December 22, 2002
You know, it is not unusual to feel as if you will be the only one this surgery WON'T work for. As obese people we have dealt time after time with this new diet and that new diet, built up our hopes only to fail miserable at every new diet we have tried. The difference here is that WLS changes the way your body processes food.Your stomach's holding capacity is much less. Your food is digested in a different way than it was prior to the surgery.That is one reason this surgery is sooooo successful. The first twelve to eighteen months are called your "window of opportunity" because it is during this time that you have a chance to work on your part. It is a time to learn how to make good food choices and to explore the ever-changing "you" in relation to the world, (food, friends, partners, kids, etc.) You may have issues that you and your therapist can work on. Sometimes change is scarier than staying where we are even if the place we are in is uncomfortable and makes us miserable! Some people discover that in losing their weight it actually gives them permission to speak when they have felt invisible for so long. Some people get divorced as their spouse cannot take their change into a healthier more self confident person. There are always risks with anything new and you have to make sure that you go into this with your eyes wide open. It is not a magic cure. You will have to participate in your own weight loss after surgery. I think it is important to really assess the risks you take and what you want as your goal. Some people are not ready to lose weight and should wait until they are sure this is what they want. Anything new is scary. There are many people on this site who have gone all the way through this and reached their goal. There is no reason that this could not also happen for you. Do some soul searching while you wait for your approval and/or your surgery. Talk things over with your therapist when she/he gets back from her vacation. Decide what you really want and then go for it. You will get plenty of support here. It helps me to focus on where I'm headed by getting on every day and looking at before and after pictures and reading people's journals. My surgery is scheduled for Jan 15th. Am I nervous? You bet, but it really helps me to stay in touch with people who have walked through this and are freed from obesity. Good luck to you! Joy Arnett
   — Joy A.

December 22, 2002
hi there michelle, i understand your fear completely. we are so used to failed attempts at losing weight that we fear wls is too good to be true. but take it from me and others, this thing really works!!!!!!! start 5 9 370 current 198!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
   — carrie M.

December 22, 2002
Be sure you research the different types of surgeries AND how they are done. Some will take off & maintain more wt loss than others. Also, attend some support groups, esp with long term posies and see what has helped or threatened their success. You're not all that far from me, and we have groups here.
   — vitalady

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