How long should I keep a detailed food diary?

I was just wondering how many post-op's keep a daily food diary of everything they eat. It seems like I barely make it to 1000 to 1200 calories a day, so writing everything down seems like homework. Will this affect my success? Kristin 10/10/02 lap rny 74.50 pounds lost    — ckreh (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
When I first started out I kept one just to make sure I was getting the food and water that I needed. I also run a support group, and I recommend that every once in a while that you keep track of everything that goes in your mouth for about 2 weeks. This is helpful if you see your weight slowing or you think your snacking too much. I am almost a year out. I have discovered that I was eating too many pretzels and popcorn. I didn't stop eating them I am just a lot more careful about the amount and how many times a week. congratulations on your weight loss.
   — domestic G.

December 17, 2002
I am nearly 17 months post-op and still keep a daily log of what I eat and drink, the exercise I've done, and the supplements I've taken. It seems to help keep me on track.
   — LLinderman

December 17, 2002
I use to keep my food intake. I am on the PC anyhow, so it's only a point and click away...JR (open RNY 07/17 -126#)
   — John Rushton

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