Does anyone have long-term hair loss?

My open RNY surgery was performed in September 2000. I started losing hair at about 4 months post op, lost a lot, the lost part never grew back, and now I'm losing some again at times. Does anyone have any ideas about what is going on? Thanks!    — katherine A. (posted on November 20, 2002)

November 20, 2002
To be honest, I don't know and I wish I did. I have consistently taken in over 70 grams of protein a day and all my vitamins, water, etc and am still losing hair at nearly 16 mo post-op. The loss has slowed down from what it was between 4-12 months but the fact that it continues bugs me greatly.
   — LLinderman

November 20, 2002
I don't know what your diet is like, but some interesting articles have been published lately about the importance of vegetable carbohydrates in our diet. Do you eat a good variety of green veggies (including cauliflower)? Studies are showing that it can help with hair and nail growth and lesson or halt hairloss among bariatric patients. Just a thought. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 20, 2002
hi i am po at 6 mos started loosing hair at 3 mos but nothing that you could see i dont have any spots or anything went for my 6 mo follow up appt and they put me on vitamins for hair and nails i got these from gnc it looks like its is not aas bad as it was so look into the vitamins.

November 21, 2002
What Ruth says is interesting to me. I always ate plenty of protein and took biotin as well as my regular bariatric vitamins, but the hair continued to fall out until about 11 months out. That was when I was really able to reintroduce a variety of veggies to my diet. Coincidence? Who knows. I am jut happy for the regrowth, as I lost a LOT!
   — Julie S.

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