How long does one need to take prophylactic antibiotics before surgery?

Please help! My surgery is scheduled for Friday, October 25 and I just remembered that I need to take antibiotics before surgery. In the past I have taken them for three days before a procedure. Is it the same for this surgery? I will call my doctor's office on Monday morning, but I am so stressed thinking that I might not have enough time to be on the antibiotics. Any wisdom would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!    — Michelle J. (posted on October 19, 2002)

October 19, 2002
I can only speak for myself but my surgeon didn't put me on any antibiotics before my surgery just during it in the IV. If your surgeon didn't already tell you you needed to be on them then you probably don't need to be. Don't panic just give your surgeon a call on Monday even if you need to be on them you still have enough time. Good luck
   — Alison N.

October 20, 2002
Michelle, I think it depends on why you've taken antibiotics before "procedures" in the past. Do you have a heart condition? I have a heart murmur and my dentist always requires me to take antibiotics 12 hours before my appointments. My WLS doctor was aware of my condition but did not require me to take any meds prior to the surgery and I did fine.
   — LLinderman

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