2 Mos. Post Op, eating 2x a day, any more makes me ill.

I am 2 months post op and feel like I am going crazy, because I can't tolerate anything except liquids, soups, yogurt. I have only been eating 2 meals a day (liquid for breakfast, and soup for dinner), and I feel weak and disgusted. I know I'm not doing this right, but the one time I ate something for lunch, I got so sick. any suggestions?    — ann6088 (posted on October 19, 2002)

October 19, 2002
Hi!<br>I'm sorry you're feeling so blah. Check with your doctor if you're getting sick and eating that little. If you can eat more, you'll have more strength, and feel better. Unfortunately, it's a vicious circle. My weight loss is also better when I eat a little more.<br>Take care!<br>Kelly
   — Kelly B.

October 19, 2002
When did this start? How much are you eating at one time? How does water taste to you? I don't mean to "fire off" these questions to you, just gathering data.
   — vitalady

October 19, 2002
I tend to feel sick if I do not eat often enough. I find a little applesauce (like a table spoon) or even a couple of fat free pretzles every couple of hours helps me not feel sick. Good luck to you.
   — Pam G.

October 20, 2002
My surgeon told me that physically we do not NEED to eat solids for the first 3 months. You didn't say how your getting your protein. Make sure you are getting in at least 70 grams of protein via shakes, pre-digested juice, or whatever spread out through the day, 48-64 oz of water, your vitamins, and you will do just fine with your yogart, liquids, and soup. It may be just taking longer for your pouch to heal. Be sure to let your doctor know.
   — LLinderman

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