Psychiatrist not in favor of WLS???

Hello from NJ! Ok, here's my question. Because I am already seeing a psychiatrist for depression, my surgeon says that she can do my psych eval., but she has stated on numerous occassions that she is against me having WLS because it is unhealthy. She then goes on to tell me that many people have problems afterwards. I felt like screaming at her, "Lady, I am having problems now! Back pain, short of breath, irregular periods, very high cholestorol and blood pressure, family history of heart disease"!!! Anyone have a similar problem? What should I do? I don't want her ruining my chances!! Thanks in advance!!!!    — J. W. (posted on September 19, 2002)

September 18, 2002
J, I would try and educate her a bit, if that doesn't work or you don't want to deal with her, I have a psychiatrist you could use (that my dtr referred me to for my consult) that is totally supportive of this and she has gotten most if not all of her patients approved. I noticed you were in NJ and she is in NYC, I don't think it is that far for you...maybe an hour? Let me know. She is great, has worked with my surgeon and the 2 others in his practice for 10 yrs or so and is totally up to date on WLS and most importanly, is supportive. P.S. For the sysch consult, it doesn't matter who you see, it doesn't have to be your regular dtr, it can be anyone. They just need the credentials. Good Luck. [email protected]
   — heathercross

September 18, 2002
Get another dr for your psych eval. You can use anyone if you are willing to pay for it. My friend just had hers done and it cost $150. for that dr to say that she was completely mentally fit to have this surgery....Small price to pay to get the answers that you want....Good Luck
   — Joi G.

September 18, 2002
I agree that you should find another doctor for your evaluation. This one might have formed her opinion based on the old you and might not be able to get past it. The psych my insurance company sent me to was probably the biggest lunatic I've ever met in my life. He said many negative things about the surgery (even though he told me he knew nothing about it). Based on my experience my advice is to keep the discussion to HEALTH issues and how much better your quality of life will be. Stay away from past treatment from a psych and don't get into relationship discussions. You have made up your mind and so be very businesslike and clinical in how you discuss the health issues that have caused you to choose this drastic lifestyle change. The evaluation is supposed to determine if you are stable and can handle the change wls will make in your life. You know the answer to that better than the psychiatrist.
   — Mary U.

September 19, 2002
The previous posters are correct--get another doc to do your eval. I have a female PhD in NYC, who, after being educated by me, is very pro-WLS. Contact me privately if you need her name. [email protected]
   — dantevolta

September 19, 2002
As we all know, WLS is CONTROVERSIAL. Only about 50% of people agree that it's a good option for the morbidly obese. The key is to find a psychiatrist who is not already opposed to the idea. As long as he/she can objectively evaluate your 1) mental status, 2) ability to follow after-care instructions and 3) expectations post-op (realistic or not), then he/she is qualified to provide your assessment. Definitely worth it to find another psychiatrist if the one you already have is anti-WLS.
   — Terissa R.

September 19, 2002
I just want to thank everyone who posted an answer to this question. This website have been such an important step for me in learing everything I can about WLS and the people having it. A big THANK YOU to everyone!! Jamie : )
   — J. W.

September 19, 2002
I would think about switching Drs., do to the fact if she is not supportive now what about aftercare when we all may need someone to be aware of the changes we are going through. Good Luck
   — Donna C.

September 19, 2002
My Psychologist basically told me that he thought that if you were "fat" it was basically your fault, and to get off your butt and do something about it. BUT, that was his personal opinion, not his professional opinion. All he was asked to do is find out whether or not I am mentally ready for the surgery... it was not up to him to say that he doesn't believe in WLS. He said that I was approaching things realistically, and that he had no problem reporting that I was a good candidate mentally for it. Thank Heaven he didn't base his report on his personal opinion or I would be jipped. Maybe your Psychiatrist will somehow keep their personal opinion out of it and report on what they were asked to report on.... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! If all else fails, go to someone else.
   — AprilRebuilt

September 19, 2002
My Psychiatrist was opposed to WLS as well, however he did certify that I was sane enough to make the decision and that I understood the consequences. If you do not trust your psychiatrist to be objective, You should ask your WLS surgeon to recommend someone for the Psych consultation, mine had someone they usually used for that. Don't worry it's not really a big deal, and I should know I'm a step away from certifiable and I passed...LOL
   — Diane B.

September 19, 2002
I just wanted to post and tell you I feel your pain and frustration. I am going through a similar situation. The psych my surgeon uses (who I am not sure where she stands on wls) is giving me a big run around and making me wait. It's a long story but my surgeon won't take a second opinion and I can't go to another surgeon so I am stuck. I would call your surgeon's office and ask for a list of psych's they use or recommend and chose one of them. They might be more likely to be for WLS. If they ask why, just tell them my psych is against WLS and for this I would like to go to someone else. Good Luck and don't let this get you down. :)
   — Female C.

September 19, 2002
hi, i also had this problem so i asked the surgeon for his psychiatrist of choice and low and behold i had to pay for the visit and he failed me on the psych evaluation. needless to say i asked my psychiatrist what it would take to get him to do it for me and i ended up having to write a four page essay telling all the reasons for wanting/needing the surgery and how i understood all the pros and cons. ask your psychiatrist if you could do something like that. after i did he wrote me up an eval and faxed it straight to the surgeons office and i have my approval two weeks ago yesterday. yeah, not date yet though. good luck and don't give up.
   — kimberly T.

September 19, 2002
I am waiting for my insurance approval for WLS. I am also a therapist. Although I do not suffer from depression, I plan to see a therapist (who is pro-WLS) for atleast 1 year after my surgery because of the significant emotional changes and transitions I will be experiencing. Most people see the pre-op psych eval as a necessary evil....I see it as an opportunity to initiate a professional relationship with someone who knows about WLS in order for you to obtain additional support if needed down the road. This is especially important for you based on your history of depression. Please try to educate your therapist on WLS and discuss his/her ability or inability to offer you the support you need and deserve, rather than inappropriate and uninformed "advice". If this therapist is unable, find yourself someone who can! You are worth it!
   — Charree K.

September 19, 2002
I actually see a pyschiatrist for medication and a psychologist for counseling. The psychologist has a doctorate and supports WLS. She was the one that wrote my recommendation (although I didn't need it because my insurance didn't require preapproval). I recommend finding someone like this not only for the recommendation, but also because it has be an INVALUABLE resource for me post op to have a counselor who supports my decision and can discuss it in as an person educated about the surgery. Unfortunately, I can't share her with you, I live in Alabama.
   — sheltie

September 19, 2002
Get someone else! She WILL ruin your chances. She wants your money, but not to help you. Find someone else as soon as can as you are only wasting your money and making more time before you can get WLS.
   — Danmark

September 21, 2002
I was having the same problems that you are having. When I decided that I wanted to have this surgery in April, I told my psychiatrist and PCP. They decided without discussing with me that I was too immature to make a decision like this. I will be 30 in December. After that I started seeing a eating disorders psychologist. When I told her I wanted the surgery, she gave me this look of utter disgust and told me she didn't agree with the surgery. After that, she and I could not get past the idea that I wanted the surgery and she didn't agree with it. I decided to discontinue my therapy with her. I am now seeing my sister's therapist, who feels I would be a ideal candidate for the surgery. You need to find a new therapist that will support your decision.
   — Lisa N.

September 22, 2002
I encourage EVERYONE to use the support docs your surgeon refers you to. I had a terrible experience pre op with a non supportive sleep apnea doc who TRIED to scare me out of surgery. Unsafe, would die, wouldnt loose weight, regain within a year. I ignored his advice, and went on to success, but it was a dark moment and had me questioning my decision right up to the moment I heard them say he is out in the OR.<P> Use the docs your surgeon refers you to. They will be supportive.
   — bob-haller

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