insurance through the union exclusion not even if med ness. what can i do

our insurance through local 198. no weight loss coverage not even if medically ness. is there a way to get around this? please if anyone has any suggestions [email protected]    — tracey71 (posted on September 18, 2002)

September 18, 2002
All I know about Union plans is that they can pretty much set thier own rules, and they do. I'm not really sure if they are governed by ERISA or not. My suggestion is that you check w/your Union Rep and see what recourse you have. I wish you luck.
   — Rosario T.

September 19, 2002
Check if they cover treatments for alcohol or drug addiction, then in writing to their board of trustees, point out that they are discriminating against the obese, and that the success rate of wls is 100% compared to the failure rate of treatment for most other addictions. Explain the long term savings of wls compared to treating co morbitities over a lifetime, and leave them with the impression that you will take legal actions on the ground of discrimination. (Do not make threats) I was able to get our union to rewrite their policy on wls and it is now included. ......Lori D (8 mo post op and down 95 lbs.)
   — Lori D.

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