How Many Carbohydrates should we consumer

   — tannedtigress (posted on September 4, 2002)

September 4, 2002
wow you got the numbers all down pack, my advice would be to stay away from as much carbs as possible but you should really do what your dr tells you to do. that seems like a high number of carbs, i try to stay under at least 50 carbs a day if not less then that. but that is me. everyone is different and has their own goal numbers. sounds like you are doing great otherwise. I will be back to read others opinions because I am curious as well very good question you have here.
   — Deanna Wise

September 4, 2002
my doc says 40 carbs a day--
   — Linda L.

September 4, 2002
Why is everyone here so obsessed with the Atkins diet? I'd rather do what my nutritionist tells me. Long-term, 50% of your calorie should come through carbs, 30% through protein and 20% through fats. JR
   — John Rushton

September 4, 2002
My nutritionist believes in a balanced diet. This means to NOT stay in ketosis-bad for you!! We are in ketosis early on because we have no choice, but at 15 weeks you should be well over that stage. Your fat and protein grams are good, but I would lower the carbs some. I actually don't count carbs, just use common sense. Protein first, veggies and fruits, some fats and sugars, and room for a little carb (whole grain breads, a little pasta or rice/potato, crackers or chips-but not much!) I have also found that the best tasting protein bars have at least 20 carbs in them.
   — Cindy R.

September 5, 2002
Watching the carbs is a good idea, but PROLONGED states of ketosis will kill you. Trust me on this; I nearly died from pancreatitis, and am left with a 22" scar to remind me every day. Your numbers that you have listed look really good to me. If the Atkins diet worked for so many people that come to this site why are the having the surgery!?!?! BTW, I am 4 1/3 months post op, down 72 pounds. I usually have 50-70 g of protein, 700 calories (doc says get a little more though), and between 50 and 100 carbs/day. I try not to have anything with more than 5 grams of sugar... i dump easily. Hope this helps, and good luck to you!
   — kultgirl

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