Who has had POSITIVE post-op experiences besides weight loss?

Virtually every question I read is about pre or post-op problems. I know some problems come up after any surgery, but I'm reading so many negative comments. I would like to hear from people who have had smooth sailing after their surgery.    — Arlene S. (posted on September 2, 2002)

September 2, 2002
ME! See my profile for details. My biggest problem is being so busy I havent had time to update it:(. I did have some sklow healing port sites and Suzie our dog thought my JP drain bottle was a ball and tried to run off with it:( OUCH THAT HURT! WLS doesnt fix your finances but truly was a miracle for me and my wife Jen who also had it. She is nearly a century club member and doing great!!
   — bob-haller

September 2, 2002
Hi there...I had open RNY 2/11/02 and I have had a very positive experience. For anyone the first couple weeks are rough...but I have to tell you I would do this again in a minute. Not only have I lost 132 pounds, but I have never felt so energetic. Pre-op I never wanted to go anywhere or do anything; mostly because I was embarrassed, but also because getting up and doing something would require me to actually get off the couch. :) Now I am RARELY parked on the couch. I have such a desire to live life to the fullest and 'make up' for what I missed. Physically I have had no problems; I consider myself very fortunate. Take care!
   — Jennifer G.

September 2, 2002
I've had my blood pressure medication discontinued along with my cholesterol medication. My blood pressure is normal now and my cholesterol is blow 100 so My cardiologist is using me as a model to recommend others who could use this procedure to regain a healthy profile. That to me is a success and I'm happy about it. Janet
   — Janet S.

September 2, 2002
It's so true that a lot of time you just hear about the negative not the positive. This is a very complicated procedure and is still fairly new so it's understandeable that there are going to be complications. I have had some problems that seem to be very common however the results outweigh these problems so much that they seem minimal. The only major thing I had happen was developing Acid Reflux. I take my pill every day and viola! it's gone. Every day I thank God for giving me this opportunity to have my life back. I started at 260 lbs and now weigh 135. I can't even begin to describe how incredible this makes me feel. So great that no matter what complications I have had I would do this a million times over. I try to do the best I can sticking to eating the right things and drinking my water, excercising as much as possible all of these make a difference. After a year I pretty much know what is going to make me feel bad so I avoid these things. It takes time to learn this and as we go through it questions do come up. I use to ask a lot of questions because I wanted to know if anyone else was going through the same thing. Turns out everything I experienced was very normal. I think it's important to be very informed before going through this and know what to expect. Having this surgery is not like having your gallbladder removed or tonsils. It stays with you and is something that changes the way you live....completely. That's the part that's really the hardest to deal with. You have to adjust yourself to a different way of life but believe me it is soooo worth it!
   — kristen H.

September 2, 2002
I haven't had any problems since surgery. In fact, it has been everything I expected. Sure I wish the weight would come off faster, but I'm doing very well. The best thing besides weight loss is the confidence I've found within myself. I never liked myself before, but now I'm starting to. It's been great.
   — Sarah K.

September 2, 2002
My husband had lap RnY on August 7. Was up and walking about six hours after the surgery. Used the pain button the first day and night then only once the second day. He came home on the 9th and requested we stop at the home improvement store on the way home. His energy level was about 75% of his previous normal the first two weeks. He was back to work ten days after surgery (although on light duty). He followed the diet of clears, full liquid, and regular food and has never been sick. There have been some foods that don't "feel" good and he has stayed away from those, but pretty much eats anything he wants now. It's pretty amazing to see a 360lb man eating so little and getting full. This surgery has been a miracle. I hope my surgery is just as uneventful.
   — Teresa B.

September 2, 2002
hiya i've read negative and positive things about the surgery, for me i've had a minimum of problems and i would most definetely do it again in a heartbeat! it has saved my life and actually given me a life - instead of just an existence. i had open rny 6-14-01, pre op was 268lbs and am 5'1/4"...i had tried everything to lose weight, only to lose and regain more. i had sleep apnea so bad i would almost fall asleep driving to work, would come home from work only to fall onto the couch - no energy to do anything. i had uncontrollable high blood pressure even on meds, severe acid reflux, really bad lower back and knee pain, headaches, fallen arches, high cholesterol, sick all the time and a pulmonary artery aneurysm that was a hair away from needing surgery to repair. my pcp was the one who suggested the surgery and i was on the operating table 4 months after the referral was submitted. i got super scared tho the night before surgery (was convinced i would die on the operating table since this was my 10th major surgery!) but my hubby and nurses were great...and i sailed through! the first few weeks were hard, i don't remember too much tho my hubby says i was in a lot of pain. the worst thing i had happen was at 2 weeks post op i started throwing up my protein my doc let me move up to soft foods and i was fine. i've had dumping on and off but after i reached one year post op my body seems to have stabled out some. i can eat sugar and fats no problem, i don't drink milk - it didn't agree with me pre op and it still doesn't! but i use vitamite instead and am fine. about 4 months post op i realized that with the weight coming off i could do whatever i wanted with my life and didn't have to be chained to my desk as an administrative assistant. so 7 mos post op i went back to school and completed school for a new career - graduating #1 out of 50 - into a physically demanding new profession. i have more self confidence and esteem than ever. and it's not just because i "look good" but I FEEL GREAT!!! i hardly ever get sick, have more energy than sometimes i know what to do with... i am off my b/p meds - it is totally perfect now, no more acid reflux, my back and knees feel fine, (turned out my gallbladder was majorly diseased which can cause back pain!), the only headaches i get are from allergies, i can walk 5 miles without getting winded, i can push over 200# with my legs on my bowflex! i have gone from a size 3x-4x and worrying i wouldn't be able to find clothes big enough to wearing 6/8's and sometimes even smalls are too big! i have a life now! and i love it! if you are considering the surgery i urge you to join a wls support group - studies show patients need a minimum of 3 years post op support...if there isn't one nearby you can join an online group - there are plenty on yahoo and msn. please feel free to write me [email protected] good luck and take care! {{hugs}} kate pre op: 268lbs goal weight: 135lbs current weight: 130lbs
   — jkb

September 2, 2002
Dear Arlene, I had open RNY six weeks ago today. I have lost 60 pounds. But you asked about positives besides the weight loss - there are many: 1) I dropped from a size 50 to size 44 pants. 2) I can now wear a an XL shirt, instead of 3X or 4X 3) I can easily walk 3 miles, used to have problems walking three blocks. 4) Don't bang my butt into doors and things. 5) Much easier to use the bathroom! (I won't go into detail) 6) Like other posters, my blood pressure is down, I no longer need diabetes meds, and best of all, I feel much better about myself and kicked the anti-depressent drugs. 7) Best of all, my wife can wrap her arms all the way around me and tells me she loves me!
   — John P.

September 2, 2002
Hi Arlene...I'm 3days pre-op, I have read about post-ops' problems, concerns, and solutions here every single day for the last 4 months. THANK GOD FOR THIS WEB SITE. I don't read the Q&A's for anythimg BUT these complications, worries, and concerns! INFORMATION is POWER. Now I will have less worry and concerns after pre-op. I think this is the whole reason for Q&A. Now I can (realistically) hope the best and "be ready" for the worst. Also, I wouldn't expect people to have questions like: * Why am I feeling this great? * Why don't I get nauseous? * On my God, why isn't my skin sagging? * Could it be that this was the best thing that ever happened to me? * Help! My insurance only took 2 weeks to approve my suregery. I could go on & on, and I'm only playing (no sarcaasm intended)but you get my point. Gog bless and good luck and keep getting info!!
   — Debby M.

September 2, 2002
On a scale of 1-10 of WLS being "pleasent" 10 being the best, mine was a 8-9 I only had a migraine on day 2 that I can actually complain about. I thought WLS was EASY and I would do it again today if I had, to without ANY pain meds. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

September 2, 2002
I had my open RNY on May 20, 20002 and I've not felt this good in over 20 years. I'm off my oxygen with C-PAP with a setting of 18 and was wheelchair bound for 3 years prior to surgery and didn't drive my car for 3 years. No I'm off all meds. except Vioxx and I'm driving daily, doing housework, and sleeping all night without oxygen or C-PAP. My life is just great now. I've lost 112# and gone down from 30/32 slacks to 2x ad from 4x in tops to 2x. I have more energy and a zest for life, like I haven't had forever. My surgery was easy and I have no regrets. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I've joined a gym for women and walk 1 to 2 miles daily.
   — kysunshine

September 2, 2002
I have had almost 0 problems. My surgery was on 05/13/02. I have only been nausted 1 time, and for a few days had a "metal" taste in my mouth. I know that I have been really lucky, I read all of the problems some people have. My BP is down to 120/69 from 140/90 and my blood sugar is down to on average 70-80 from 180-200. I am down from a 26/28 pants to a 20 and an 24 shirt/dress to an 18 or 1X. I have more energy and feel better than I have in 15 years. I am doing better at work, doing the things around the house I should have always done but just couldn't. This is TOTALLY the best thing I have ever done !!!!
   — Sharon H.

September 2, 2002
ditto the last post, i was a diabetic and had high blood pressure too. My one and only prob is hair loss, which is relatively not a complication. All meds preop have stopped and i have much more mobility. I can actually do a good workout. Before, I got winded walking. I started at 382 and have lost 80 of that since April 15, 2002, my surgery date. There are plenty of people that don't have problems and some problems you read aren't directly a result of the surgery, it could also be how a person takes care of themselves afterwords, or something not related to the surgery at all. the surgery is a tool, but we have to make the change to a healthy lifestyle afterwards for it to be effective. The mind problem for me, and remember the surgery is a tool, but doesn't change all emotions, is that I was a volume eater preop. I could eat everyones food and keep going, but if I overeat now, it makes me sick, which again isn't a complication of the surgery, it is how I take care of myself. So I just don't do it. I have had no complications.
   — stacey1273

September 2, 2002
I am 3 months post-op from LAP RNY and besides being donw over 55lbs, I have more energey than I ever did. I am 22 years old, and I couldn't walk to class at college without huffing and puffing and getting there drenched in sweat. I was so embarassed. Now I walk 2 miles and barely breathe heavy, and I am cold all the time instead of hot!! What a relief!! This surgery has been a blessing. I had no complications from the surgery, everything has healed well! And I have even found that many people who have had complications are still glad they had the surgery, because it changed and even saved their lives in the end. Overall, many more people DO NOT have complications than do (in terms of strictures, blood clots, etc) If you are speaking of nausea and vomiting, that is something everyone has to deal with at first, it is major surgery! Although, i have only thrown up once! Goodluck to you!! :)
   — Lezlie Y.

September 2, 2002
I had Lap-rny on July 24, 2002. I have done great!! I came home the day after surgery. I went to the grocery store the next day and have been going ever since. I am walking 2 miles a day which would have been a joke before surgery. I felt like the more I did, the better I felt and still do. Best of luck!
   — melanie M.

September 2, 2002
Looking for positive post-op...well...I kept waiting for the ax to drop on me...I had surgery Sept 7, 2001 and I have had ZERO problems. I have never dumped. I have only been a tiny bit nauseous if I ate too fast or something I shouldn't have had. (and Tums solves that problem) I have lost 128lbs so far and I have gained my life. I go boating with friends, I rented bicycles on my last trip to Key West, I fit everywhere I go, I actually love to shop now and I still love food...I just don't let it rule my life. I am definitely a positive post op experience.
   — Ilene M.

September 2, 2002
I had a combination Open RNY and panniculectomy on 4/1/02. So far, I have lost 155 pounds, 33 of which were removed at the time of surgery. I have had no dumping, have not vomited once since surgery, and only rarely get queasy, and only if I eat too much or too fast. Pre-op, I had diabetes and took three different pills for it - I have since reversed the diabetes. I also had high blood pressure pre-op and was on meds for it - now my blood pressure is fine and I'm off my meds. I have experienced some wonderful things since losing so much weight. For example, I finally fit comfortably in an airplane seat and did not need a seatbelt extender. Today, I went to the movies - the new theaters with the built-in cupholders - which I refused to go to before because my butt didn't fit and I would sweat profusely because of the efforts I needed to take in order to try and get myself situated. Today, not only was I remarkably comfortable (and saw a great movie - My Big Fat Greek Wedding), but I was actually COLD in the theater....who woulda thunk it?!? I am so grateful for this surgery. I have absolutely no regrets. I know I am one of the lucky ones, but there are lots of us out here!
   — Michelle M.

September 2, 2002
I just wanted to say that (speaking as a pre-op) you all are a wonderful example of what can be. Each one of you are heros to your families, your friends and yourselves and to the pre-ops here as well. It has been a pleasure reading all your stories. Thank you!!
   — thumpiez

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