How irregular should we be ??

   — tannedtigress (posted on August 2, 2002)

August 2, 2002
Dawn, I won't say it is abnormal to go for a couple of days or even 3 without a bowel movement, but to go for 4 days with a very minimal output is not ideal. I would suggest that you up your fluid intake. You need at least 64oz. a day, and may need more if you are already reaching that point. I also urge you to dump the Metamucil (If you're like me, you hate it) and get some Milk of Mag. It seems to come highly recommended by many WL surgeons. I think it is a very predictable, gentle laxative. The Metamucil is way too filling to our little pouches. Try this, and I think you'll get better results and feel a lot better. Nothing makes you feel worse than having no BM for a few days. Oh, I hope that was supposed to be "600"-800 cal per day. If not, "60" is WAY too few. Good Luck!
   — Tina B.

August 2, 2002
It's not unusual for me to go once every 3 days or so. Yes, you are normal. Post-op open RNY 13 weeks down 68 pounds. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

August 2, 2002
I am 16.5 months post-op. Nowadays, I go approximately once every two days. When I was early post-op, it wasn't unusual to go 3-4 days with no BM. Hope this helps. As long as you're going, your "plumbing" is working fine. Occasional carbs such as Cheerios, etc. can really loosen you up as long as you don't dump on them.
   — Terissa R.

August 2, 2002
It is normal for early post-op. You are consuming very small quantities of food and your system is adjusting. As you becoming longer post-op you will notice somewhat larger and more frequent BM's because you will slowly be able to consume more food and a larger variety of foods as well. I was frequently constipated early post-op, but have gotten over that for the most part. I am now almost 9 months post-op and I have a BM at least every other day. I still get constipated occasionally, usually when I eat a lot of dairy products. If I stick with plenty of liquids, fruits, yogurt and a very small amount of carbs, I am usually fine.
   — Susan M.

August 2, 2002
I am 8 months post-op and at my six month check-up my surgeon asked me about constipation problems. I told him I had no problems - I went about every three days or so. He informed me that I did have a problem. And he told me to eat 3 or 4 dried apricots or prunes or some raisins every day. I do this now and I go almost every day unless for some reason I have had mostly liquids with little food for a day. I have gotten so that I look forward to my dried fruit and it is certainly more pleasant than taking laxatives. Good luck.
   — Patty_Butler

August 3, 2002
Early on when you are not eating so much, every 3 days or so is normal. As you eat more, you will go more. I'll tell ya a secret-to stay regular, and I mean daily, eat 1 cup of popcorn each evening. Trust me, it works!! Fruit and lots of water help too, but nothing like the popcorn-its that ol'fiber...
   — Cindy R.

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