I have a rather extensive psychiatric history and would like to know if this
means that I will be denied the surgery. I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I have been hospitalized for depression at least four times, had shock treatments, and am on seven different medications. Eight months ago I was started on lithium and it has been a miracle for me. I have been stable since I was put on it. I have a very good understanding of the surgery and what to expect and not expect from it. Do you think I could be approved? — Barbara J. (posted on May 25, 2002)
May 25, 2002
I looked at your profile, and it sounds like your psychiatrist is
supportive of your decision. I think a letter from him will be enough to
convince most surgeons to go forward. However, the real hurdle is the
insurance company. I'm not familiar with Cigna, but I do know that many
companies are looking for an excuse not to approve this surgery. They could
require that you see a different mental health professional for the psych
eval. Depending on who it is, the person doing the evaluation might be a
bit wary of giving you the "green light" due to your history. If
I were you, I would find out Cigna's exact requirements for the psych
evaluation. If they won't let you use your own doctor, try to research and
make sure that the person you do see is WLS friendly. Get your psychiatrist
to write a letter to the evaluator (and maybe call too) in support of your
plan. There is no reason that you should be barred from having this surgery
if your own doctor feels that it's a good idea. If you do run into
problems, I hope you'll fight. Good luck!
— Tally
May 26, 2002
Cigna didn't require a psych evaluation for me; however, since I was under
the care of a psychiatrist, my surgeon wanted a "clearance"
letter from him. My shrink was supportive and everything went well. One
piece of advice, stick closely by your shrink in the months post op. As
you lose weight your hormones will flucuate which could impact your mood
swings, requiring more closely monitoring your meds and there will also be
emotional issues that surface as the "fat shield" disappears.
Good luck! It's worth it!
— BethVBG
May 26, 2002
Ive been on lithium before. I took in high school for the same condition.
It was due to being depressed because i was constenly teased about my looks
and my weight it worked great but i gain a ton more weight on it. you have
every right to be treated for obesity. As long as your mentally capable of
the full understanding of the surgery and the after care you should be ok.
They might say no I don't want to get personal but they may see your
hospilizations and shock treatment as a big no factor. Epecially if the
reason you got there was because you did think life was going so well for
you. if you know what I mean. god forbid any body gets to point where life
is not worth it. if you need an angel to help you write me email
[email protected] sheri burke
— sheri B.
May 26, 2002
I have had depression ALL my life. I was approved, and other than feeling
like I've been run over by a truck (no energy at all), I'm doing fine. So
you can be approved. It will probally take alot of work. I sure had to go
through enough to get approved! ;)
— Danmark
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