Low blood/Iron Deficiency?

I'm 7 months post op and my husband is 4 weeks post op. He is having a problem with low blood and an iron deficiency? Anyone else with this problem? Any suggestions? He is on iron pills after two more days in the hospital last week.    — Londa J. (posted on March 23, 2002)

March 23, 2002
My daughter is 13 weeks post op, has lost 90 plus pounds, is doing well. She is using across the counter iron pills supplement to build her iron level.
   — gwendolyn M.

March 23, 2002
Hi, I would first say try something called "Perfect Iron" and see if it helps. It does not cause constipation and usually works for most. If it's very very low, there is always oral, liquid iron which again though, you have to be careful of because it can be harmful to your teeth. It really should be taken through a straw and honestly tastes awful but works well. This though, can cause constipation. Next step? I went on iron injections because none of those things worked with me but if you catch the iron problem early, it is usually helped with the oral things. Hope this helps.
   — Barbara H.

March 24, 2002
Hi, I am pre-op but have had this problem for a while and have been told to correct it before surgery. My doctor recommended taking "feosol" which is an over-the-counter iron supplement. I also take Flinstones vitamins with extra iron. That seems to do the trick because after being really low, my latest blood work showed a great improvement! I have the problem mainly because I am a vegetarian and dont eat high-iron foods.
   — emilyfink

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