Does your body ever adjust to taking in 64 oz. of water daily?

Because right now at almost three months out, if I drink my 64 oz., all the do is run to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes. Do you ever reach a point where your bladder can handle the liquids and you won't have to keep running to urinate? This is kind of hard when you're holding down a job. If I wait until the evening, I'm up 3-4 times in the middle of the night and not getting quality rest. What is the answer, family?    — blank first name B. (posted on January 15, 2002)

January 14, 2002
I'm 3 and a half months post-op. I started out having trouble getting my fluids in. But once I could drink more than a sip at a time, I was able to drinks large amounts. I now drink well over the 64 oz. I find that I go the restroom more than usual, but just thing of all the benifits your doing your body. Good luck and keep drinking your water.
   — Heidi L.

January 14, 2002
Carolyn- I can easily get in a lot more than 64oz at 8 weeks post-op, but I don't use the restroom too frequently. Are you drinking coffee or anyhting with caffeine or alcohol in it? If so that might explain your frequent visits, as these are diuretics and suck all the fluid from your body! Just a thought... also some fruit juices like Cranberry are natural diuretics, so check your diet and make sure you are clear of those. Otherwise you may want to add a tiny bit of salt to your diet, which will help retain the water, but not much because that would be bad for you!
   — Deborah W.

January 15, 2002
I am finally able to tolerate drinking more water and I think I might change my name to "I.P. Freely!" I feel like I have to go every 30 minutes. Having upped my water before when I was working out, I did notice that after a while your body does seem to get used to it and you have to go less often. Oh, well. It's not so bad. Just think of all the exercise you're getting from all that walking! =)
   — ctyst

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