Does Xenical work?

I know this isn't a topic on WLS surgery but I thought it might be a good place to ask some questions about xenical. I know people here have tried many different ways to lose weight (just like myself). I recently went to my doctor and brought up my intrest in WLS. Instead of support he gave me a prescription for xenical (I couldn't really tell if he was for WLS or against it). I have tried many diets, programs, pills, etc. My doctor is well aware of them all also. But never Xenical. Has anyone ever had sucess with using xenical or may know of someone that has? After looking it up on the internet I didn't get the impression that there is much sucess with this drug. If anyone has comments they could share with there experience on xenical it would be helpful. I know my insurance does not cover it that is why I am looking for info before I spend big bucks on another diet that may do nothing for me like all of my past attempts. Thanks!    — Jamie J. (posted on December 11, 2001)

December 10, 2001
I know it is'nt nice to lie, but if your insurance does'nt cover it then I would just tell your doctor that your using it but it does'nt seem to help. I used to be on Phen fen and never really lost any weight on that. If these things really help, then why do we have to resort to WLS? Perhaps you insurance company requires you to try these drugs in order to say they don't work so you need WLS? Just a thought. In any case, take his presriptions (if you can't talk him out of it). He hopefully will never ask to see the bottle (to know for a fact you got it). Personaly I get ticked off with doctors/people who think "a pill" will solve this. Oh if it was only that easy. ;)
   — Danmark

December 10, 2001
I took Xenical for four months and I did lose 21 lbs. But it was very miserable for me, the weight that I lost was not worth the cramping and diareah that I had (sorry to be gross). I beleive that most people have had the same experience as myself. And I have talked with quite a few people that have tried Xenical. I was scared the whole time that I would mess my clothes up at work. If you do decide to try it, I would start the medication on a Friday evening and take it through the weekend to see how it affects you. My pcp told me about a drug out on the market now that was initially used for people with epilepsy or history of seizure. It promotes great weight loss. You might want to ask your Dr. about it. It's called Topamox. My Dr. said that she prescribed it for a patient of hers that is a therapist and he lost 75 lbs in five months. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

December 10, 2001
I have used xenical twice (about 4 months each time) in 1999 & 2001. It does nothing for your appetite. You watch what you eat & it helps block absorption of fat. I experienced weight loss each time, (50# or so) only to regain it as with other diets. I experienced oil leakage & oily loose stools. I couldnt afford to stay on it forever! My surgery date is 12-20-200l. My advice? Dont use the xenical.
   — Ellen L.

December 10, 2001
I have used xenical twice (about 4 months each time) in 1999 & 2001. It does nothing for your appetite. You watch what you eat & it helps block absorption of fat. I experienced weight loss each time, (50# or so) only to regain it as with other diets. I experienced oil leakage & oily loose stools. I couldnt afford to stay on it forever! My surgery date is 12-20-200l. My advice? Dont use the xenical.
   — Ellen L.

December 10, 2001
Hi Jamie, I was also put on Xenical and while the first 2 days I had some serious "dumping" it soon went away and it didnt help me at all. While ofcourse I didnt really care for the "dumping" episode I researched everything I could find on Xenical and this is what I found.....Xenical is strictly for removing any fat that you consume. It is almost immediately expelled. However, IF you dont consume many fatty foods it doesnt work. Which is what happened in my case. I am overweight yes, but I dont eat alot of fatty foods, and therefore the "dumping" I experienced stopped. As I understand it does nothing for the "fat cells" that are accumulated in your body already which causes you to be obese. SO in essence you can eat as much "junk" as you want and it leaves your body, but what would be the point? Its not helping you in any way to lose weight. I stopped taking it. I am trying to get my WLS approved but my husbands insurance has a written exclusion, I am now writing his employer......Feel free to email me if you'd like. I hope this helps.....Leslie
   — lesleeloo

December 11, 2001
Speaking from experience i agree with the first person, it does not do anything for your appettite. and it did not do me any good. It did clean out my system but i did not see any results.
   — Tina B.

December 11, 2001
Can you find out specifically if your doctor will back you up for WLS? If so, then don't go on Xenical. If he/she says "Well, let's try xenical first" then get the prescription but don't fill it. It won't help you lose and keep weight off long-term, which is what you want the WLS keep the weight off. When I was on Xenical, I DID have accidents at work; it was terrible! I once had to even go home and change my underwear and slip. It's supposed to psychologically change how you have oily stools if you eat oily and fatty foods, so you're not supposed to eat them. The only problem is we're not stupid! If I wanted to eat a cheeseburger and fries, I would just stop taking the Xenical...duh!
   — [Anonymous]

December 11, 2001
I took Xenical for a while and I did'nt have any results at all, not a pound lost. I must admit it sure cleaned me out though and I was afraid to leave the house and not be close to a bathroom!! Vicki Mize
   — vmize

December 11, 2001
I don't think anyone stays on it long enough to see if it works! The side effects are gross. The side effects are too gross. Namely, loose, uncontrollable diarrea (...the fat has to exit the body) and leaking of an oily residue. My friend tried it and while the diarrhea was tolerable, she she "leaked" (...the fat again) and embarrassed herself twice at work...there's nor warning or sensation that it is happening. I've since heard this is common and expected with this medication.
   — [Anonymous]

December 11, 2001
Just get the prescription filled and tell your doc you are taking it. Tell him you have loose, runny stools and a leakage when you eat fatty foods. Then explain that your regular diet does not include a lot of fatty, fried foods. That will justify why you aren't losing weight and your doc will give up on the Xenical. If you need his referral for wls, you have to learn how to "play the game".
   — [Anonymous]

December 11, 2001
I would advise avoiding this medication all together. Like others have said, it is not worth the nasty and disgusting side effects that occur, not to mention the fact that it accomplishes nothing. And I was really good about following the orders, staying away from fatty foods, but even something harmless like a carrot caused issues. Good Luck! I'm with the other poster...just fill the prescription and put them away somewhere and forget about them.
   — [Anonymous]

December 11, 2001
I would have to agree and disagree with some of the answers to this question....I was on xenical and i lost about 20 pnds on long as i stuck to a strick diet i was ok but as soon as u eat something fatty owe by watch have to be soo strick with yourself while taking this medicine, the price is not worth the results... if someone were to take the medicine to lose just a few pounds then i would say go for it but if you are trying to lose alot of weight, i wouldnt even dream of taking it...the side effects are not pleasent and as i stated before if you are not strict with your self u will end up with some bad tummy aches and bad bathroom experiances...and it dosnt help u with your appetite... as for the dr, and perscription...u might want to fill the perscription once and tell the dr it has bad effects on you while taking and following the diet plan...tell him it gives u headaches and the shakes or just try it for one month u will probably experiance those problems anyways and wont have to fib to the dr...also, find out how he feels about wls ask him straight up if he is against it then find another pcp that will assist you in making this decision..its a major one and shouldnt be taken of luck sure u will make the right one...
   — Deanna Wise

December 11, 2001
I took Xenical for 2 years and lost 60 lbs. I gained every bit of it back in 8 months. My doctor gave it to me when I asked about WLS. After I gained the weight back I went in and told him that I had an appointment with a surgeon. Since the surgery (8weeks and 40lbs ago) he has been very suportive. Good luck. Janet
   — Janet R.

December 11, 2001
According to Barb Thompsons great WLS book dieters loose 5% of weight, add meredia or xenical 10% of weight comes off... 10% on a MO is not worth bothering about....
   — bob-haller

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